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CHAPTER 28 (2/2)

CHAPTER 28 (2/2)

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Alice left. The bag hadn't left her shoulder since Marlene had brought her up.

There was a long pause of silence.

Mary hadn't moved. Dorcas stood still awkwardly, her eyes shifting from each person. Like an athlete gagging a play.

Marlene and Ana starred at each other. Their minds knew the same amount of knowledge, trying to communicate without a word.

Ana's eyes moved to Dorcas. Better to fix what was still present. She quietly said. "I'm happy for you guys."

Marlene gave Ana a smile, walking back to Dorcas, linking their ring fingers.

The Scottish girl turned to the one hadn't shown a reaction since the knowledge of Marlene and Dorcas's timeframe was found. "Mary?"

She looked up dejected, but more sure of things, like she accepted something. "I should go. Congrats."

Mary left, and it took an owl flying by their window for someone to speak.

"What just happened?" Dorcas asked.

Ana bit at the cut on her lip, pulling at the dry skin. "I don't know."

"Are they mad at me?" Marlene looked ready to grab her bat, taking the defense.

"No, I don't think so. Mary and Lily have been off for weeks." Ana said, trying to get her to understand without saying it aloud.

Marlene and Ana knew about Mary and Lily. It is hard to hide anything when you share a room.

She'd expected it started around the time their skirts changed lengths commonly, and when her charms skills made it simple to detect the constant silence charm around Mary's bed.

Ana whispered. "I don't think it's about this."

Marlene looked at her understanding, nodding a little.

"And Alice. I don't- She hasn't spoken to me in weeks. She's always with Frank."

Dorcas cut in, knowing what Alice meant with her words. "I'm not some pureblood supremacist."

Ana quickly spoke. "I believe you. I just think everyone's paranoid at the moment."

"All, because she's a Slytherin!" Marlene got angry again. Alice had no right. Her whole family was rich purebloods. She was never questioned about being with a half-blood.

"Well, that and. Do you know who you're always around? Black. Rosier. Barty." Ana tried to play median. A hard game for when one side isn't present.

"You don't know them! And your friends with a Black!" Dorcas defended.

"I'm not pointing fingers, I-I'm just giving perspective."

Ana turned to Marlene, dropping her shoulders, surmising. "I'm really am happy you found someone, Marls"

It had been a week since she'd found out about her crush. And then found out about her crush and the stupidly kind Benjy Fenwick, who took every chance to greet her in the halls.

Remus had loosely given context to avoid the awkwardness. 'It's nothing serious, just..... casual'

He sounded nothing the boy she knew. Everything about him felt more surprising as the pruvient year went on.

Not predictable like every guy she'd took motive in.

He'd made the whole thing sound exchangeable. Nothing like the boy who'd lose sleep to finish his book about some tragic love.

No matter how transactional Remus made it sound, it didn't bite Ana any less thinking about all the times, Sirius had mentioned Remus staying out late.

The guy she liked was someone else's, a temporary cope or not. Ana questioned how quick those controlled kisses could turn emotional.

Ana let go of her lip, pinching her hand. Gosh this isn't me, thinking like this, contemplating. Everything is changing too much.

She shook off the thoughts, patting her bed. "Here, sit down. Tell me how you guys met."

The two bounced off eachother telling Ana everything. Marlene went on about how after a quidditch game the two had fought. And then hated eachother. Until they ended up practicing together for weeks, leading to the eventual liaison.

"Are you guys going to the party this weekend together?"

"Ohh it's only official in this room-" Marlene explained, trying to ignore that half of the room had walked out.

"-But we're both dressing as Holyhead Harpies players." Dorcas the ever cool, blushed.

"Ughh you guys are like some power sports couple." Ana groaned, laying on her back.

Dorcas laughed, a little embarrassed. "Your- your guy's costume last year, theeee prostitutes?"

"We were not prostitutes!" Marlene screeched at her girlfriend.

"It's from a movie." Ana explained.

"A movie?" The pure-blood said, confused.

Ana looked appalled, picking her head up, looking away from the lace canopy roof. "Marlene, what have you been teaching her?"

She pushed Ana's head back down, grabbing her girlfriend's waist. "So much you don't want to know."

"Whatever you were dressed up as. It was so hot." Dorcas finally made her point.

Ana blew a kiss to Meadows. "Aww thanks."

"She was talking about me."

Dorcas shushed Marlene, sitting forward. In her group of friends, it was only boys, the majority a year younger than her. This was nice, just girls, Dorcas thought. "Are you matching with anyone?"

Ana giggled a little. "Yeah."

"What are you going as?" Marlene laid on her stomach.

Ana turned her body to them. "Myself."

Authors Notes:

Next Chapter, 20th

Date Posted: April 15th, 2023

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Date Posted: April 15th, 2023

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