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'Absorb the power of all it conquers' she wrote.

Translating it to Latin. "Vim, Hariunt Omnium Vincetiu-"

Ana stood up toward the narrow walkway of the book walled maze., quickly pushing the book back into its shelf.

Two figured had roughly pressed themselves again the 'Hogwarts History' gold plate, only getting started on their snogging before the shorter one spotted the light, or Ana, whichever came first.

"Lupin, stop." Said the one of them, pulling the taller one off his neck.

Ana stood there like a lost duck in front of the couple.

The shorter one turned around. Benjy Fenwick. Ana recognized him. Ravenclaw's blonde seeker. He was Remus's prefect partner.


"Remus." Ana was the one whispering, looking in between the two.

Ana looked away from Benjy. The taller one came into view. The moon's reflection hit his face. Remus's.

Ana lowered her wand. Remus was the one pressing Benjy Fenwick into a wall, kissing his neck. Benjy and Remus. Remus and Benjy.

Ana thought about Sirius and her repeated conversation from the past weeks. His laying on her shoulder, complaining about Remus staying out late.

Earlier she knew she wasn't supposed to be here, reading the covert ancient books, being in the halls and arcades after curfew. But now she knew for certain she wasn't supposed to be here.

Benjy moved in front of Remus, smiling, taking a step into the nook. "Your Anastasia, Remus's friend."

Ana flinched, pinching her hand.

Months ago, Ana would have walked around with a broad smile, hearing she was considered Remus's friend.

Now she hated it, Benjy's smile like he was introducing himself as someone who knew Remus more than she did.

She looked past Benjy to Remus, his wide guarded eyes. Pulling her lips in, she didn't know Remus like Benjy did, sweeping like she got a glimpse at the moment before.

Thinking back to the short kiss she got from Remus, rushed and sloppy. And then with Benjy, he was messy and fast in everything but his kissing. That was patient.

"Yeah." Ana replied, giving the Blonde a small smile, taking her eyes off Remus.

"I'm Benjy Fenwick, Ravenclaw." He reached out his hand. Remus stayed planted in the shadows.

Ana pushed the open notebook, sliding it back as Benjy moved forward.

She shook his hand. Her eyes were back on Remus's. "Nice to meet you."

"What are you doing here?" Remus cut in, almost interrupting Ana. His eyes still looked as full as the second he saw her.

Ana took in his tie, ready to fall off her shoulders. His hair she cut two months ago was messy, his shirt wrinkled. His shoulders tense. He doesn't want her to see this side of him.

She looked down at the journal and his neat handwriting. What was she doing here?"Obviously not what I'm supposed to."

She shut the notebook, looking in between the two. Their messy hair, standing close to one and other.

"I-I should leave before you take any house points." Picking up the journal and her robes.

Remus stepped forward quickly. "I'll walk you there."

Ana shook her head, stepping forward. "No!"

"I shouldn't be her and I don't want to interrupt you two." She fiddled around with her book, accidentally hitting the ink canister.

"Oops." Benjy caught the ink with his seeker reflexives. Only a drop of ink fell onto the wood."Thank you." She took the ink and quill from him quickly. Capping and putting it along with the journal in Euphemia's pocket.

Pulling the hair away from her face. "I don't want to interrupt you two more than I already have."

Benjy shook his head. "No, you're fine. We've probably dragged out rounds a few hours than respectable."

Hours! Ana shifted, wishing she could make a quick escape, internally screaming.

"We'll just walk you back. Remus has to got to the Gryffindor tower as well," Benjy smiled.

Ana looked up at Remus, waiting for him to say something. He looked down the moon flickering on his skin.

She smiled back, gesturing her hand out awkwardly. "Lead the way."

The couple turned around. Ana pulled her hand to the shelf, grabbing the book. She was getting closer to the right charm. And doubted she'd have the courage to go back to her crush's make out spot.

After an awkward, stiff walk back, with Benjy filling the silence in his kind voice, that pinched Ana every time he mentioned the Welsh boy next to her.

Once in her room with the pink curtains drawn on her bed, she pulled out the book, too awake to think about sleeping.

She looked at the front of the ancient book screaming into her pillow. Great.The rune covered book mocked her along with the bold word on the front. Basilisk.

Author notes:

Next chapter, friday. Any thoughts

Date posted: March 16th, 2024

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Date posted: March 16th, 2024

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