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Remus paced the back and forth on the creaky wood floors of his dorm. His clammy hands going in between running through his messy hair and dragging down his black school slacks. He had heard the laughter of Sirius far too long, the dumb questions from Peter, the comfort and "words of motivation" from James, but after three weeks he had finally gotten alone time with his favorite priest to confide in (outside of his mother), Frank. 

Frank was a pale, dark haired, muggleborn. He had a large amount of beauty marks covering him and looked like a dalmatian willing to follow any treat around. He was one of the sweetest people any person could ever meet and his reason for being in the second most asshole filled house was unknown to Remus.  

Though the boy was the closest you could get to being fellow 'Marauder', up until third year he had been known as an outcast to the Gryffindor house. His only friends were Slytherins, Dorcas Meadows, Barty Crouch and their sheep of younger years, Evan Rosier, Emma Vanity, and the eccentric Pandora. 

Frank had started hanging around the bevvy after being added to a three-person group project with Barty and Dorcas in their first year transfiguration class; it was a diorama of the transformation formula.

Peter had asked the close knit four if Frank could be 'added' into the friend group soon after Frank's ousterment in third year. Remus had always thought it was because of the sweet Gryffindor's immediate protectiveness to the mousy Pettigrew. 

From what Remus had gathered was that early in their third year, the group had gained knowledge. Or in Frank's defending of them, that their parents had found out he was a muggle-born wizard and had forbidden the pure-bloods from interacting with him and that was the reason Frank had been exiled from the clique. 

Though Frank was considered one of each of the boys' best friends, the same as the others. Coming so late into the friendship, the knowledge of the group's most upheld secret (Remus' Lycanthropy) having been learned in their first year.

By third year Remus had only become increasedly aware of the danger that came to him with other knowing about his condition that he had banned all the boys from telling anyone else, no matter how trusting.

And when the summer between third and fourth had come around and three boys had completed the illegal steps to become animagus. Frank was not included.


"I mean, I practically violated her. Just walking up and kissing her like some pervert." Remus exclaimed, falling back onto his bed, moving his hand around to expel some of his emotion. 

The potion had passed through Remus in the late night of that Sunday and as soon as the veil had been lifted Remus fell into a fit of disposition. He felt embarrassed as to the kiss. He felt guilty for doing so with no warning or precedent. He felt angry he had had his second kiss with his crush and had barely savored it enough to tell what type of lip gloss she was wearing.

For the past three weeks, he had been in bouts of stress, leaving him to bite down to the quick of his nails. His notes look almost as illegible as Anastasia's writing. He had been spending the month of April studying incessantly for the OWL's an excuse into his awkward even more abounding subdued talk with Anastasia. 

"She doesn't think that, Remus. James told her you had drunk the luck and kissed James on the lips too. Why don't you just talk to her?" Frank tried to reason with the tormented, troubled boy, trying to conceal a chuckle at the mention of James' and Remus' made up kiss. 

"Terror," Remus whispered, letting his hands fall over his face. Frank burst out laughing. 

Remus stood up from the bed, beginning his pacing again. "NO! I'm serious. Today I asked her for dittany leaves in potions while we were making everlasting elixirs and she just... did." 

"Well, what's wrong with that?" Frank asked. 

"She usually laughs at me and says something to make me turn red like a fucking rose, or she'll just do whatever I ask her for herself." He stopped, throwing his hands up. 

"A rose? Jesus, how romantic are you?" Frank laughed. 

"Oh, fuck off Mr. I'm in love and I know how to make every babe happy. You're supposed to be telling me how to fix this," Remus pointing at the boy spinning around the wooden chair. 

"I've already told you." Frank smiled, standing up from the spinning chair patting the boy on the shoulder. "You already know." And walked to the dorm exit. 

"God, Alice is rubbing off on you." Remus sassed. 

"Shut up." Frank chuckled out walking out the door.

  "Your becoming your girlfriend. Find individuality before you're gone, you wise fuck." Remus spat out quickly before Frank could slam the door.

Authors Note:

This chapter was written like the 15th it's honesty just that I have been working long hours like night shifts. Getting money $$$. And just getting stuff done so I instead just trying to force myself to post on days that I am working we're just gonna do off days. Next post will be Thursday or Friday!

Date Posted: July 30th 2023

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