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CHAPTER 8 (part two)

The night continued smoothly, to an eye who had lost their glasses. Sirius had found himself crying on James' shoulder twice about the fear of growing older. Alice and Frank had gotten into a fight. James had been quiet that whole night pondering a conversation or rather the whole moment he had shared earlier that evening with the younger Black brother, Regulus. And Remus had decided to adopt his rude agitated personality the second Anastasia had walked away from him.

But what seemed to be going the most wrong thing about the night was the fact that Fabian Prewett had his arm around Anastasia Fox's shoulders. Leaning against a wall whispering ingenuously, slyly, and or so annoyingly perfect and astutely flirting with her.

Fabian was charming, and gosh was he doing everything right. Giving her affection, and licks of compliments, silly banter and the utmost attention. And Anastasia was bored, absent, and fully distracted.

Across the room was Remus's figure, his shoulders resting on the wall behind him the rest of his body stuck out and legs crossed. A cigarette perched in his mouth and hooded eyes, shamelessly watched Anastasia.

And as Fabian continues his witty coquet conversation that Anastasia had not heard a word of because she kept looking at Remus. His hands, messy hair, the baggy pants, his tight awfully short yellow shirt that with the leaning of his body exposed the thinnest line of skin onto his stomach, his mouth, and the surly cold expression.

He was watching her as if deprived of affection and she was the only thing able to feed his emaciated need. Every time their eyes met for both, a sense of Deja Vu would cross their heads, that in a different story, a separate life, with two different people their eyes had met and they were the same, Anastasia and Remus. - Maybe it wasn't from different people but ones they had met in the folds and fabrications of their minds.

Anastasia desperately wanted to go up to Remus. For what she didn't know, to do what she didn't know. She didn't understand her pull to the lanky half blood who had never seemed to like her a whole lot. She hypothesized it was her admiration of him that had kept profound since the day she had met him and the fact that in recent months the two's interactions had grown.

But then she'd thought about it too much and the almost corporal whisper in her ear reminded her "Oh no I don't to keep you too long." And her want was placed elsewhere.

Remus watched the torturing scene as if on a film reel with invisible straps keeping him in place. Anastasia had grabbed Fabian's face in her hands, cutting off his current unheard conversation and smacking her lips to his own.

And Remus starred as it continued excruciatingly. Her body now covered by Fabians wide statue and all he could see was her legs messily wrapping around his waist and thighs and her hands pulling at the ginger strands.

And his eyes followed as Fabian picked her up by the underneath of her thighs a smile on his face as she continued her attack on his neck, walking up the stairs to the boys dorms.

When Remus could no longer see them he discarded of his now butt of a cigarette in the nearest plant, deciding the mere burn of tobacco to his lungs was not the medicine to his current ailment and his only solution was to get piss drunk.

Sunday morning, heavenly sunbeams woke up the Gryffindor tower with tender head-aches, and heavy eyes. With comical scenes of the four boys waking up, some on there beds (Peter and James), others with imprints of the bathroom tile stuck to their face (Remus), and sore backs from sleeping underneath their beds (Sirius), and the confusing site of multiple kitchen elves still fast asleep in their dorm and no recollection on how they got their. Another comical sight is a girl sneaking out of a boys dorm in pieces of the previous night's costume and now in an unbelonging button up shirt.

Authors Note:

Pffft that's done THANK YOU FOR 500 reads !!! That's so exciting. I hope you all like this short update. Little jealousy 😋. But to lift the mood of the fact that they didn't kiss 🫶 ⇩

 But to lift the mood of the fact that they didn't kiss 🫶 ⇩

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Remus' back bc backs are hot idc what anyone says.

Date Posted: April 8th, 2023

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my two are- love my way and eat your young!

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