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Ana slipped through the croquet gates after breaking the lock to the restricted section of the towering library with a quiet spell.

The Fox tip-toed through the slim halls. Guiding herself in with the pattering light of the moon, filtering in beams through the rows. The library looked like an illusion of two mirrors facing each other, never ending.

Ana traced along each book's spines. This section hadn't been touched in centuries and dust had started pilling on her index.

She could barely catch a gasp as she touched the first charms book.

It had been a week since she had found anything helpful to her current fixation on the Gryffindor symbolistic sword.

After dinner and another enchiridion left, stating her already known knowledge. Ana decided she would satisfy her annoyance of the locked off section, and sneak in.

It was past midnight now, when all the prefects would be done with their rounds and Filch would have passed out before he finished checks of the east wing.

Ana forced herself to move forward after a longing look. Ten more rows until she got to a tucked away row, barely three feet wide.

On the bookshelf's frame in gold emblems, it states Hogwarts's History.

Labeled in alphabetical. Ana skidded to the 'G' self, pacing by every Gryffindor Quidditch game known. Her eyes dancing to find any key titles matching what she was looking for.

Ana jumped back, the book her finger rested on dropped to the berber skidded carpet. A single grey, eye winged moth flew out, past her ear and toward the moon.

Great, Ana thought. Moth-eaten pages weren't what I snuck out for.

Picking up the book that had fallen. It was leather bound, covered in intricate runes of script she didn't understand. A single word Ana recognized labeled it- Basilisk.

Ana squinted her eyes. It was on the wrong shelf.

It seems at some point a long time ago this closed off section had been used, as hard as it was to imagine.

Ana placed it back on the 'G' shelf, not wanting to change the marks of the last visitor.

She smiled as the book next to it, title stated, 'Godric Gryffndor, The Founder, The Wizard, The Weapon.'

Taking the red book away from it nestled spot, she pulled out a wooden stool crusted underneath the bar of wood jutted out of the shelf as a reading counter.

Unclasing the robe around her neck and placing it on the soot covered seat.

Taking out her jotting book from a sewn in pocket of her robes. Euphemia had stitched on the scrap piece of fabric when Ana had complained of the lack of pockets to her skirts in lard year.

Casting 'lumos' to her wand and pulling to the page 178 labeled, 'The Sword of Gryffindor' in the book's index. She laid down her notebook to the last page that held any useful information. It was from last week, when Remus, Lily, Mary and her dotted outside.

The page was scattered, her ink getting thicker when her hands tried to catch up to her mind. The sketch of the sword bound on it, and a second handwriting, much more legible, stood out.

Ana traced it lightly, the words 'replicant, not exact'. Remus had written it for her, when she had rambled all the troubles in her research.

She blushed at just the thought of that day, or any of the days in this month. She and Remus had become closer than ever.

Anastasia thanked whatever it was that got Remus to lose any stiff shoulder around her.

Then again, she cursed it.

It was like the shy Welsh boy had turned around and used Ana's mannerisms on her.

She cursed herself the same as when he had kissed her last year. This was probably how Remus felt, to all her idle flirting she caused.

Well probably not exactly how he felt considering Anastasia was certain she had seen all her wants for friendship with Remus as ardent pining.   

She liked Remus Lupin. Really liked him and it only got worse with every second spent together.

Taking her hand off the notes, she started reading about the lingering sword.

She had seen Sirius use it after making fake rain in the first year's dorms. An absorption spell, like a big sponge. Like the opposite of a shield charm, instead of deflect, why not take in?

Ana had been stuck on this idea, if someone could do this. It didn't matter their size, weakness, strength. She- They could protect themselves.

The nightmares hadn't stopped, and it was probably a projection to focus to tirelessly on a means of protection.

Ana took her quill and sealed ink from her pocket, writing citations from the book.

'The sword of Gryffindor was made of goblin silver. This metal only takes in substances which strengthened into itself.'

Authors notes:

I am back on a weekly schedule.yay thank you for being patient with me. I am finally excited with the chapters I am writing.

Chapter 28 next Friday :)

Date posted: March 16th, 2024

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Date posted: March 16th, 2024

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