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CHAPTER 14 (part one)LONDON

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CHAPTER 14 (part one)

The day after the friend's Christmas, Remus and Ana kept finding each other, next to one another, naturally, coincidentally, or through a series of predictably, unpredictable events.

Like Anastasia waking up underneath the fabric fort, to her head pressed into Remus' side, and her leg wrapped around his small waist.

Or it could be Remus raising his eyes off of the bathroom tiles to find them, brushing their teeth next to one another, their spit mixing into each other's in the sink, like some content married couple, or some one-night stand waking up the next morning.

At breakfast, they danced around each other. Their bread next to one and other in the toaster, their elbows grazing the other's arm.

Though the whole kitchen was filled with bodies, it felt as though Remus and Anastasia were the ones bumping and entangling themselves with the other.

Remus, at one point, had James push into his back to get to the plates. Remus had to raise his hands up and curve his body in a backward 'C' just to avoid pressing himself into the bent over Anastasia.

Then when Lily insisted on taking the muggle transport via the tube. Sirius felt the need to man spread even with the addition of Alice and Frank to their larger than likely friend group, leaving Remus and Ana smushed into eachother.

When they arrived in London and found the wizarding currency exchange for muggle sterling, the squib had mistakenly recognized the two as a couple asking if they would want their transaction to be done together.

In the trifling eye shopping through the muggle stores, they walked unmeaningly at a slow synched pace. Inside the clothing store Lady Jane it was called.

Sirius stole away Ana, claiming he needed her opinion on whether the silk scarf he had found looked like Audrey Hepburn in Charade or a Russian babushka.

At lunch, the server had mixed up the two orders, placing their plates in front of the other, causing a passing of dishes from across the booth, their hands grazing each other's.

A sight seeing through the city with Lily being their tour guide, gave Anastasia the perfect excuse to use her gift from James.

Often she would want a photo of herself in front of London's tourist attractions. At first, it was Buckingham Palace, then the Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Coco-cola and clock billboards, her on the top of the double-decker bus with the girls.

Remus always happened to be by her side to take the photo. She joked it was good it was him, since he was so tall he could get all of London in his photography.

It was later now, the sky a dim blue turning to gray, and the streetlights had turned on not long before. The group bundled close as the winter weather lowered with the loss of sun.

Ana was cursing herself for being so fashionable. Her legs covered with only tights, calf leg red boots, her corduroy skirt and layers of shirts covered with a thick black coat that stopped at her upper thighs, and her head covered with a newsboy hat, was all insufficient to the end-of-year cold.

Sirius and Ana walked in front of the friend group filled with much more energy than the rest, singing pitchy Christmas carols and playfully bumping into each other's side and they walked through Regents park.

Frank and Alice seemed withdrawn, falling behind the group, whispering little inside jokes into each other's ear.

The girls were joking about the muggles they had seen through the day. James, Peter, and Remus were the most quiet listening Ana and Sirius' caroling.

James was carrying all the items everyone had bought through the day in mismatched shopping bags. Remus had Ana's small camera around his neck.

She had placed it there unspoken ly running to speak to the punk worker wearing a Sex Pistols shirt in the record shop about ABBA's new self title album.

"Do you hear that?" Anastasia smirked at Sirius, hitting his arm with her elbow, letting their minds silently rime.

Sirius held his hand to his ear, turning his head to locate the direction of the sound, like a compass.

"That way!" He pointed in the direction of the corner edge of the park.

Anastasia whipped her head around, smacking Remus with her long hair, grabbing onto Remus' wrist to guide him through the stone path fastly almost jogging.

The group erupted in complaints about how tired they were and questions about where they were going.

They were only met with Sirius' response of turning around, throwing his hands up and exclaiming, "To find whoever is playing this great music!"

At the end of the park, within a gravel plot where cars were supposed to fill, only one was parked in front of the streetlight.

A dark green bug, with a guy who seemed a few years above them, looking perpetually sad. Not a sad that told others he was, just that his face looked forever set in melancholy disdain. He was sat in the driver's seat with his legs out of the car.
Another man, blonde, more boyish and younger, had a cocky look, was leaning on the open car door. Both had cigarettes perched on their lips.

A girl was in the street closer to the brick building behind them was dancing to Killer Queen that was blasting through the little car.

The girl was beautiful, her full lips decorated with bright red lipstick and her head covered with a thick red scarf. She was tall, probably could tower over Sirius.

She continued moving her body as she spotted Ana who approached with the four boys rather than the staggering behind the group. "Bonjour! Venir. You."

Authors note:

Guys that this chapter was ready to be posted literally Friday but my cat, my baby, my bestie literally the only thing I care about went missing and I walked 13 miles going to Pinterest calling every shelter we're I live making missing posters. My cat ended up ended up finding out how to climb under the dishwasher so she's such a c*nt. I love her. I think that night of missing my cat caused my body so much emotional damage I went into hibernation till today.

I have also been poring myself into trying to complete Breath of the Wild because I want to buy the new game so bad but my hyperfixation on Zelda since I was a child will not allow me to buy the new game without finishing my most recent run of botw.

ALSO HOZIERS NEW SONG HAS A GRIPPPPPP ON ME. I love it so much he is just writing songs about the best self insert fanfiction of all time and I will forever praise him for it.

 I love it so much he is just writing songs about the best self insert fanfiction of all time and I will forever praise him for it

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Date posted: May 22

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