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Not edited sorry I got sick but i still wanted to get this out

Not edited sorry I got sick but i still wanted to get this out

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CHAPTER 24 (part 2/2)
The Lamp is Low

After the harrowing speech. The feast continued with every ill named wizarding food displaying in extravagant arrays in front of the students with a flick of Dumbledores wand.

And though it took a while of shoulder dropping conversation spinning away from the impending crusade, past and current strikes that seemed without a sight of when they would end.

Instead, the students turned to changing the conversation on a lighter note, or at least a group of Gryffindors did.

"Annie, you stepped up from that skirt. You look very posh." James said in the most positive way those sentences could be said.

Though the use of 'posh' seemed mislead. Anastasia's demeanor could never be considered posh. She could probably pull off a tousledly rich look.  But refinedly posh no.

"I know! I got gifted new skirts and blouses and tights, shoes too. Cuz' I did well on my O.W.L's." Ana stated, very pleased with her kindred gifts.

After Remus's and the realization of how tired she was. She went home, to her uncle in the house of no where.

Though it was dreary and hellishly silent; It was familiar in the most comforting way. And she missed her uncle no matter how much she rejected this bough attached to her.

It was nice. Her O.W.L's results had come in the day she had returned. In turn, Morfin had rewarded Ana by giving her twelve galleons to get all new uniform and school books.

It would have been a nicer gesture had he come along with, but Ana knew that was pointless. He hadn't left the home since before her birth.

But after his refusal to get her any new stationery last year, it was obvious. He had missed his niece this summer.

It was a sweet few weeks of leisure routine. Morfin making dinner, Ana having time to complete her summers reading. Her uncle playing the pureblood music he had grown with and Ana introducing him to far more confident muggle songs.

Ana turned to Remus, who was currently being ignored by Peter and James, who had beaten them in a game of chess as well as made fun of their ungrowing heights on the train when they measured. (Remus had grown 2 inches)

She thumbed a strand of his hair, bringing him away from kicking Peter's feet under the table. "Your hair's getting long."

"Huh, oh." He ruffled the bangs falling over his eyebrows. "I know... meant to cut b'fore I came here. Kept saying I'd ask my 'mum tomorrow but tomorrow became today so..."

"I could cut it." Ana straightened her shoulders, shifting her hips to face him fully.

"You'd cut it?" Remus asked.

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