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CHAPTER 13 (part two)

The gift giving continued with Remus giving Lily a set of muggle fountain pens, he had seen her favor them to the traditional ink and quill. Mary had been given a new paint set from Lily. Peter was given a small origami guide book Marlene had found in a second hand store. Marlene was given a journal from James, which she thought was corny, though the pages filled up quite quick. James' colorful sock addiction was fed into by Mary. Remus received a handmade bookmark, with blue and red beads and flat metal charms, one had a little crown, another had a fleur di lis, the last one a silver book. Anastasia had given it to him claiming to notice how he would fold the corners of each of his books.

Once gift giving had seeded it was already dinner time and the Potters or more so Fleamont, wanting to appear cool to the handful of teenagers, had opted to pick up pizza from the town's local shop. After dinner Ana came up with the great idea of a blanket fort.

So the teenagers taught to act mature, so close to grasping their adulthood, many forget the impending loss of carefree childhood. And though nothing about them was carefree for most that loss came soon, too soon. For Remus it was four, Ana right before she was eleven, Lily's came when she found academic validation was not given, and something that should not be needed to function. For Peter it was the summer after his first year when he felt no purpose without the structure of Hogwarts and the distraction of friends. Mary's came when she could perceive the treatment of her grandmother in comparison to her lighter skinned cousins. Marlene's came with the anxiety of the bills stacking on the table and the soundless wallets. Sirius found it the second a magic hat had been placed on his head and yelled out the word of a house unfamiliar to his surname. James had started possibly the youngest. His parents could joke that the moment little James could crawl he was filled with bravery and to counteract that consumed with worries. Most for others and lack of for himself. He overanalyzed or rather his creative brain came to magnify the injustice of people around him.

The company was carefree, letting themselves fall into a headspace much younger than what society had decided appropriate for their age.

Ana and the girls set off to the linen closet and all of the spare rooms plus James' to rob them of blankets and pillows. They made fun of James' motivational quotes on the wall and the ill made quidditch shrine.  The boys took all the chairs from the dining room, setting them in a manner to allow them to draper over the handmade quilts and thick knots with the sheer bed sheets.

The living room had been giving a canopy over almost all of it. The only opening in front of the brand new tv, and inside it was covered in duvet and multi colored pillows, a room probably too small to be comfortable for the eight of them though if asked it was homey.

They laid together with the pink dimmed lighting from the sheets. At the end of the carpet mattress was Lily, and next to her was Mary, then Marlene. The group had conveniently placed Ana and Remus next to each other. After Remus was James, next to James was Sirius with Peter coming last. They ate the sweets Peter had gifted all of them, and watched the squib made film, Frosty the Snowman.

The movie had ended and it was late into the night, passing into a new day. Anastasia had insisted on reading to them a bedtime story, of course it being Remus' gift to her. Most of them hadn't read it, too immersed within wizarding culture to be exposed to it. So Ana took it as her responsibility to do so.

Casting a lumos charm from her wand and sitting crisscrossed at their feet. " Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice 'without pictures or conversation?'....."

By the third chapter the whispered commentary from the group had slowed and by the fourth everyone's eyes had been lulled closed, all but Remus.

He watched as she read the well used pages. How could he ever get tired when she was right there. In her silk night skirt and the white longsleeve, no longer an undershirt. He felt it unfair, in most cases he would see her as a beloved dancer on a stage and he a mere a spectator, but then he would look down at the book and the charm bracelet on her hand that seemed to be missing a few filling to the chain and was reminded he was on stage with her, allowing her to lead him.

"An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching out one paw, trying to touch her. 'Poor little thing!' said Alice, in a coaxing tone, and she tried hard to whistle to it; but she was terribly frightened all the time at the thought that it might be hungry, in which case it would be very likely to eat her up in spite of all her coaxing."

She looked up and realized the closed eyes, and carefree look and closed the book, crawling towards Remus, who watched her with his eyes and laid completely still. She sat in front of him moving to lay down her wand only a dim spark now. "Goodnight, dream something knight like Remus."

She lent down and kissed his jaw before turning her back towards him and cuddling into Marlene. It was such a peculiar thing to say 'knight like'. What did that mean? And his name too, sounding fitting coming out of her mouth, as if common in her vocabulary, used daily. Remus liked that idea of her, saying his name so often.

And he did dream of something knight-like, only more so dreamed of being a strong knight until chivalry fell dead on its sword. And then he became a poet of stories, so powerful he tricked noble men into making him a greedy king, until he found himself on a field near a lake, only smiling at a simple life.

Authors Note:

I am so sorry I took so long to get this out. I went on my trip to see Taylor and it was the worst concert experience ever I could write a 25 k story just on everything that happened :(. It'll be a silly story in a few months I just need to recover, anyways got back on Monday and immediately got super sick so I couldn't write.

I really like this chapter a lot it's going up there as one of my favs. I think wattpad's fucked up algorithm hates me 😭. Put this story in y'all's manifesting. If any of guys liked this please vote or comment I love to see comments any of them.

What was the last movie you watched????
Mine was scream 4 I am a horror movie whore who gets unreasonably scared while watching them.

What was the last movie you watched????Mine was scream 4 I am a horror movie whore who gets unreasonably scared while watching them

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Date Posted: May 13th, 2023

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