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CHAPTER 2 (part one)

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CHAPTER 2 (part one)

First Friend and Kisses

"Why do people get married?" Ana asked placing another card onto the large stack situated on the wood deck, her and Remus focused on the card that turned out to be a nine of spades in an intense game of Slap Jack. Remus' right hand was bright red at his slow reflexes and Anastasia having no mercy for her friend in the card game.

"When you get older you just have to." The statement was Remus's ten year old philosophy to the question peering up to Ana for a moment a little caught off guard by the question. Eight of Diamonds

"I'm never gonna marry anyone." Anastasia decided she was repulsed at the idea. Four of Hearts

"Well you have to marry someone." Remus reputed. "It's against the law." he added, sure there was a law in place ready to be enforced to any solitary single adult. Two of Clubs

"It is not." Ana challenged back. Upset at argument against her claim though she was not certain he was completely wrong every adult she knew was married besides her uncle and he never left the house anyway. Maybe it was because he was hiding from the authorities. King of Spades

"Yes it is." Remus said content with his made up law. "Cause then you'd be all alone and it wouldn't be fair." He liked the idea of this law greatly, that nobody would have to be alone their whole lives. He was not certain he was completely right also he had never heard of this law in any books he'd read and he had never heard his parents speak of it but in his mind it could have been unspoken about knowledge accepted by all. Five of Diamonds

"Not true." Anastasia argued her brow furrowed together in thought of the idea of being alone just because she wasn't going to get married. "I'd have you." One of Clubs

Remus paused before it was his turn to place another card down looking up at Anastasia again. A wave of flattery hitting him. His mind was filled with trepidation of the gravity his and Ana's friendship held. Remus knew he wasn't Anastasia's only friend; she had ones at school and ones she had met before she ever moved to Llangollen and talk of her muggle cousins were often so he never knew if Anastasia only considered him as just another friend in the mix.

The boy held comfort in their friendship that he was someone she considered to be around even when they were grown adults. "Yeah" Queen of Hearts.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Ana's voice sounded smaller than usual, she sat up an inch closer to Remus than before.

"Like they do on TV?" Remus asked his own question to hers. Their game of Slap Jack now forgotten and eyes set onto each other. Remus received a nod to his question. "No." Shaking his head answering Ana's original inquiry.

They sat quiet for a minute and while Anastasia took her eyes off the lake she turned back to Remus. "Maybe we should, just to see what's the big deal." Offering up the proposition. Remus wasn't the only boy her age she knew there were ones from school and ones from her hometown but he was the only one she could see herself kissing.

"But, I don't know how." Remus had never kissed anyone in all honestly he wasn't sure if Anastasia was being serious with wanting to kiss him. There was no denying he had a crush on her and the idea of kissing Anastasia was not a bad one in the slightest though he had imagined it happening when he had lots more experience and had grown taller than her.

"Here practice on your arm." Raising her left hand to her face and placing short pecks to the skin. "Like this." Remus copied her movements on his red hand a few times before Anastasia stopped. "Okay enough practice. Close your eyes." Anastasia told him to move to sit on the back of her calves closer to Remus than before.

"Then I won't be able to see anything." Remus let out another excuse, the tips of his ears felt hot realizing this was truly happening.

"Everyone kisses with their eyes closed." Ana stated not catching on to Remus nervousness and fear of being unfit for the kiss about to take place. "Just do it." She smiled as he closed his eyes and a vague sense of nerves were felt in her. "On the count of three" As she began her counting, pulling her face closer to Remus's.




"Three" Closing her own eyes, placing the shortest peck to Remus's lips and pulling away quickly. To most it wouldn't even be considered a real first kiss but to Remus he had kept it that way unknown if Ana had also put him in the place for the sly fellow who took her first kiss.

Remus was staring owl eyed at her looking as though no thought were being able to form his mind. Anastasia stared back looking slightly bored before turning back to the pile of cards below them, it was her turn. Seven of Spades.

Looking at the scene nothing would seem to have been different than minutes before besides the red now coloring their cheeks. Her action slapped Remus out of the haze and continued on with moving his hand to the stack of cards backs facing them waiting to be turned around. Jack of Hearts

SLAP! "I win, I win , I win, boom you suck." Remus winced at the harshness of Anastasia slap watch as she rounded up all the cards in the stack holding them out like hundred dollar bills.

Remus never knew what happened after that day but he didn't see Anastasia until over a year later on the train to Hogwarts she was accompanying his soon to be best friend James Potter and scars similar to his own now littering her body. He remembers that night well his father woke him up late long after he had fallen asleep, carried him to the families car with his teary eyed mother in toe and spent the next three days at his Grandmothers. When he returned home his father only stated that the Fox family had moved back to South Devon, England and he was to never go near that house no matter what.

Authors note:

Hi two updates in two days I am going back to my classes on Thursday so the next update prob won't be till the weekend and I have Saturday school for the next month because I am horrible so... Sunday?

Date Posted: January 30th, 2023

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