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CHAPTER 9 (part one)

The second quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff proved difficult for the crimson players. Sirius had been suspended from the team after setting off fireworks during the first game. A ravenclaw had the tip of their nose blown off.

Sirius didn't let the disappointments off his abeyance teeter him, rather found another job after McGonagal declined his first proposal of the creation of a Hogwarts cheer team. Instead he became the first commentator of all Hogwarts quidditch games and as his first act in reign was to promote a second commentator which he claimed was a totally unbiased decision, and was heavily considered based on intelligence and knowledge of the game. He picked Remus.

The hiring of the position did not come easy for the perpetrator (Remus didn't want to). Though after great consultation and negotiation on job perks and privileges he accepted his position (Sirius begged him so he didn't have to do it alone.)

Sirius had introduced Remus at the start of the game and Remus had done his greetings, though throughout failed to give input besides corrections to Sirius' observation on game play. He was immersed in his annotation of the recent book he had finished Crime and Punishment by Destoyevsky.

The booming mockery of posh English invaded the ears of all in the bleachers and the players in the sky. "So Mr. Lupin my fellow colleague, what is your knowledgeable opinion on the current play?"

Remus barely picked up his head. "Well fellow comrade I believe James is gonna be blocked from scoring and Marlene is going hit Amos with a bludger." Remus's mockery sounded more targeted at Sirius than the accent itself.

Sirius lost his playful tone turning to look at Remus. "What are you talking about Hufflepuff hasn't been able to block us once and Marlene is even facin-" And the scene unfolded of James failing to score, and Amos being brutally hit in the stomach with the solid ball.

Remus sat up in his seat, a snarky grin on his face, a quirk of his eyebrows. He put on a very professional muggle sports talking voice leaning into the microphone (his wand with the maxima sonorus spell on it). "Amos Diggory takes a nasty bludger to his stomach- Pray for the' poor thing- Given to him from Marlene andddd James Potter is blocked by Hufflepuffs Keeper, such a'shame."

"What- This is my job Moony." Sirius grumbled crossing his arms. "I only asked you here for moral support."


The quidditch game had ended and gryffindor had won. The walk back to the castle held foreground silhouettes of a leafless forest, dew flooring, and the chilling average scottish November weather. The games' true stars who didn't partake in the athleisure stood outside the pitch waiting for James.

Their attire's truly drool worthy and after their appearance made to practically the whole school, minus the few outcasts partial to the sport, they had most definitely gained crushes throughout all four houses. Doned in black and brown jackets, seventies jeans, Sirius with a turtleneck and Remus sporting his basic white shirt with a red scarf.

And from their eyes they could see Lily and Anastasia walking towards them with smiles of girlish talk no boy could conceptualize. Their elbows locked onto each other and red cheeks from the lack of warmth to only just their faces.

The two boys watched as Anastasia skips ahead from Lily, now standing in front of them. "Sirius, Lupin. You both did great in your commentating, really it made the game ten times better to watch."

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