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It's silly how losing hope in something allows you to do things so effortlessly, when before it would have taken weeks of planning to even attempt.

Here Remus was resting his head on the delicacy of Anastasia's pale legs, that he was close enough to see the almost invisible fading summer freckles.

Before settling on the field, he had walked at a slower pace than his usual strides to keep side with Ana. An arm around her shoulders.

It had rained the night before, and the picnic quilt was staining green from the dew. Remus watched the shadows in the school windows as his fingers traced the lip of her white crew socks, teasing the wool and brushing her skin.

Similar to the state her and Sirius looked to be in whenever close.  Remus thought Ana probably figured it that way, platonically intricate.

Ana actually thought the opposite. Remus's new casualness brought anticipations to her, a gid waiting for more. Practically impatient.

Of course, Remus without hope of any chance in the future didn't pull a thread in his feelings.If anything, feelings bloomed with Remus' ware in boundary. His hands still tingled after any contact. His words still tumbled from time to time. He still whispered- Be still my heart- with each of her smiles. His notebook was still being filled with words etching her claim on him. His heart still and forever would belong to Anastasia Fox.

He had taken the knowledge of Ana's parents' death and her attack, hard. Not responding to any of his parents' letters, now knowing they had known the whole time.

The elimination of hope left Remus to enjoy time with Ana without anxieties about future pinning. He would enjoy her now, knowing it was hopeless. Destiny and its cruel ways.

They hung out often now, in the free time of sixth year. Mostly in the Library as Ana got more and more consumed in her charms and Remus drifted from the boys.

With the boys it had to be an embarrassed rationale for Remus' pull back. For years he had his best ability confided in them. Telling them every frustration or feeling.

They had found out about his crush two weeks into first year. It was embarrassing that it would amount to nothing.

For weeks he took every shift possible as a prefect. Staying out late for rounds. In the morning, he used the prefect showers. In between classes he stayed near Ana or the other girls, at lunch he found hobby with Lily, making it common to eat outside and talk about recent reads.

The four weren't completely removed. The last moon was no different than the rest. Classes felt the same, with an added undertone of strain.

Peter was arguably the most patient student in Gryffindor. Almost damagingly okay to wait out Remus' roam.

As for James and Sirius, they were falling apart. James more constructed, still sneaking out practically every night, finding solace in someone.

Sirius was miserable. With James' secret, and Remus diverge, he was fitful. Just the day before, he had tried a light Bombarda spell meant to knock off a wooden pin on the desk, instead he blew up the table.

The group was a mess.


"Awww little Sara." Lily rolled over on her back, book in hand. Her legs sprawled over Mary's.

Remus looked up from his daydream about Ana's freckled legs. Almost forgetting the others laid on the picnic blanket, with a marmalade jar, bread, and a cracked pomegranate being slowly eaten by one ruby seed at a time.

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