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CHAPTER 23 (part 2/4)"Slutty Glasses Change Lives

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CHAPTER 23 (part 2/4)
"Slutty Glasses Change Lives."

writing this made me giggle.

"So.... Ana, how was your night with Lupin?" Mary questioned, unfolding one of the camping chairs James had brought.

Ana turned back from watching the boys carrying the big rocks that were by the lake for their campfire.

"What?... I mean, good, it was nice. Seeing his mum again, she's really nice."The girls turned to eachother letting out bells of giggles, in on something.

Marlene moved in front of her. "Sounds nice. Really nice."

"Why do you make everything sound so lewd?" Ana turned around, blocking out Marlene's wiggling eyebrows.

Alice's vexing eyes pierced. "If it was so nice, what did you two do?"

"We..." Ana cringed.

Well I almost got mauled by a boggart of a werewolf for the second time in my life, but it was still nice. After that I mean. I thought it was nice. I hope Remus thought it was nice.

"Had tea, and dinner, and played rummy, and listened to music, and I helped Hope pack the snacks, and then we went to sleep," And then I saw my worst fear/the murderer of my parents.

"Did you two sleep in the same bed? Cause the cottage is small didn't look like it could have a guest room? And I doubt Ms. Lupin would let you sleep on the couch. Did she make him sleep on the couch?" Lily started getting caught up in her own head of possible book tropes.

"No! We slept in him room." Ana stated, watching as the girls all skipped to stand in front of her with shocked beams, as if their favorite underrated duo in a long-standing show had just subtly flirted.

"No! I mean, I slept in his bed- but not- he slept on the floor- next to me- while not really next to me," Ana spewed.

"Ana, are you flustered!?" Lily said, shocked as Marlene muttered, 'still equal to fornication in my mind.'

"No, what are you guys on about?" Ana asked.

"Nothing. We just thought we saw you checking him out earlier as he carried all the camping supplies in his hands." Alice started acting very brisk.

"Big hands." Marlene whispered seductively, making mock sexy faces. Ana pushed her away from her ear.

"And when he was setting up the tents." Mary added, smirking.

"Really hammering it in." Marlene went passed to Ana's other side continuing her production.


"And when he got out of the lake." Lily tutted, adding to the list.

"Super wet." Marlene tickled Ana's ribs to give her shivers. She swatted her back.

"And he pulled you out with just one arm." Alice gave the sight more justice.

"Those muscles." Marlene was practically moaning out her quips.

"And when he was carrying the heavy rocks for the fire." Mary ended.

"Sooooo Heavy."

"Stop! So what if I was checking him out? Everyone knows Lupin isn't bad to look at." Ana smiled, trying to act confident, even adding a cherry of his last name to garnish how much she clearly didn't care if they noticed.

But stating that to a group of sexually questioned girls, and one who was practically married by the time she was fourteen. Wasn't convincing.

All of them turned to look at the Remus as if they had forgotten how he looked.

He was flicking Sirius' head, who was mockingly shorter than him, holding Peter to shield him from James, who had a juice box pointed at him like a gun.

"Stop looking like that. Are you all blind?" Ana pulled all their shoulder around.

As they let out shrugs of nods saying 'yeah pretty fit', 'a little too tall for me'.

"Yes, he's handsome. It's not a big deal I was looking."

"Woah woah woah handsome! What are you in love?" Lily booted out she had read too many romantic books. Admitting someone was handsome was practically a proposal.

"Piss off." Ana giggled. "Come on, let's go make lunch."

"What am I, a housewife? Why do we have to make the sandwiches?" Mary groaned.

"Cause we didn't want to carry heavy rocks and get firewood." Alice jutted back.

Ana laughed, turning to take a last look at the boy, drinking out of a water bottle, his shirt riding up just enough.

Anastasia was never certain about herself. Whether she was demonic; an angel; a mere animal.

She had feelings, statements, thought, and all capability to explain and contemplate on them- to partake in deep confession with the priest of her friends as they did to her. But choose not to.

She was flirty and kind and extroverted in everything literal. She choose to do things with little thought about why she had chosen to do those things in the carefully peculiar way she did them.

Apathetic in a way. But to everyone else, she was a dream stuck in reality, able to bring any fantastic to the moment.

So in this summer watching the boy only less than a year ago she had rarely blent with, setting up a tent in his short, sleeve rolled sweater and fitting navy addidas shorts. His hair held back by the heated black metal sun glasses. She wanted to kiss him. No worse... she wanted much worse.

Not a kiss itself, like the one she had gotten months earlier, but a cast of a sun and a pair of slutty glasses was all it took- and her first sight of his tired face that morning. For the first time in her life, she felt the need to throughly evaluate her feelings, whatever they were, and everything they weren't.

Authors Notes:

This is a day late but I was out with friends all weekend


I try not to check reads to much but damn. I cant believe it's almost hit 10k.

This month I am also working on a new story.


Date Posted: October 16th, 2023

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Date Posted: October 16th, 2023

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