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CHAPTER 22 (part two)

CHAPTER 22 (part two)

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"My Special Girl"

The cottage looked prettier than the last time Ana saw it. The stone seemed to age as beautifully as copper. The wood seemed polished even with years of aging through Welsh weather. And the garden had grown with every color of every flower of every size.  

Bleeding Hearts by the mailbox, red valerian was used as picket fencing, daisy weeds grew in between the flat stone path, wood anemone around the small ash rowan tree. Foxglove and Lupine grew in and through each other on the left side of the porch. On each side of the steps were mint plants, meticulously placed to force any visitor to smell. Colorful zinnias and abelia, spice viburnum bushes, vetch and bluebells covered the botanical entrance. 

Ana almost regretted coming. It was like those line graphs that matches up perfectly with two variables that held no correlation. Ana moving to Llangollen and a stark decrease in her luck (orphaned and such). Ana leaving and this cottage blooming with every year she had gone.

It wasn't that, of course. Just a trick of time. Remus leaving for school, and Hope not having an eleven-year-old boy to look after for nine months of the year, left her with reams of time. Time to make a pretty garden, time to think about the perfect place to the plant mint. 


Ana was there a day early.

When holidays came, she had danced around her friends' houses since her birthday in May, going from the prancing around streets Edinburg with Marlene, helping out in Frank's mother's restaurant, spending days crammed in Lily's room of the rigid home. The World cup, of course. Even a night sneaking into Emmeline Vance's window.

Most of the time at James' and now also Sirius'. She always spent weeks at the Potters, during summer, only leaving in past years when the boys would show. But with the addition of Sirius, the abundant house felt full. More easily able to overstay.

She had stayed a whole week, after spending two days with Mary, and before that, spent an additional four days in the throes of a guest room. There were still three days until her plans of the next escape to Remus'.

She wrote a parcel on Tuesday, asking Remus if she could come a day early, making an excuse of mixing up the dates. Remus had written back in haste, agreeing. She wondered how an owl could return so quickly.

Ana left Wednesday morning, choosing to take the muggle form of transport to lengthen her travels. Spending most of the day at the tavistock canal in Devon, she finally got on the tube at 7 that night, sleeping till she had to get off in Chester, when the trains stopped running. Spending the next five hours mindlessly walking streets and plaiting her hair in tiny braids only to pierce her fingers through the center. At 5am she boarded again, arriving in Llangollen at 6.

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