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CHAPTER 7 (part one)

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st,
Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to Time thou grow'st.
So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

Remus nimbled on his already abused fingertips. The orange beams of light hitting him in the golden affair of the day. The outside corridors inhabited by a group of boys settled on the ledges on the piazza of Hogwarts. I should say this to her, write her something. No. A grind of his teeth and locked tight fist. Bitter trepidation of his mind, battles with the perturbation of his heart.

Anastasia on the other hand was not spending her Thursday contemplating and romanticizing sonnets. She was livid and drawn with a vexed attitude. Storming her way through the open-aired corridor with a miffed expression and shoulders pulled close to her body.

"Is it that time of the month Fox?" Sirius teased watching her come down the hall towards the four boys. Anastasia snapped her head in the direction of the cocky boy she hadn't noticed before. Halting her journey in front of the four and pointing her finger in the direction of the insolent teen.

"I am gonna take a knife and gut you like a fish. Huh, did you here that I fucking gut you and those bloody Hufflepuffs." And with that threatening comment she continued her driven route into the school.

Anastasia had offered her help to the overwhelmed Lily the week before. The redhead had been juggling taking extra classes, doing all of the prefect duties because of her less than contributive partner, and with the head boy and girl of that year who had put all the tasks on the younger ones. She was troubled beyond belief. In one of her agitated rants to the girls she had mentioned having to plan a mural that the first year Gryffindors were meant to paint along with the other houses. Anastasia had kindly taken the task from Lily.

She was only now regretting it on today of all days. A day she just wanted to get through to keep herself busy to ward off the forlorn thoughts warping her mind. The Hufflepuff prefects had taken all of the yellow paint provided to Gryffindor for the mural. Now she was left to figure out how to help the eleven year olds paint a red lion next to the already finished house murals and then face Lily's wrath when she sees it.

"Is it weird that kind of did something to me, got a full semi right now." Sirius asked, watching his friends turn to him with disgusted expressions.

Remus took himself off the perched position of the railing standing tall, using the thin poetry book and smacking Sirius in the head, not bothering to hold on to it. Letting the book fall onto the flinched boy's chest. He rushed off in the direction of Anastasia.

"What, so I'm the bad guy? I can't help that. It's a natural bodily reaction." Sirius yelled out only to be ignored by Remus. Throwing his hands up and turning to James. "Am I the bad guy Prongs?"

"I still don't know how you get girls." James said, shaking head in disbelief and continuing on in his quidditch playthroughs.


The alarm and hesitation in Remus's head was loud. He didn't know what he was doing chasing after her, he didn't know what he would do when he would find her. Though flexing his hands and legs staggering with his natural reaction of returning, retreating had sent in, he continued on. Telling himself he would just see if she was all right, that was all. And so he followed in suit only catching up to see her slipping through an unfamiliar door.

Anastasia's back to the door, her body sitting in the middle of a huge trampoline inside a room equal in size to the great hall. The room was decorated in detailed architecture similar to Hogwarts' large pillars, only more embellished with lions, eagles, badgers, and snakes carved into the stone, surrounding them were rock flowers and pictures of nature. The windows, only shown on one side of the walls built with stained glass hues of reds, oranges, and blues dancing on Anastasia's billowy white shirt. The windows painted stories of wizards Merlin and Arthur. Tales of the sacred 28 and the founders of Hogwarts.

It was a beautiful and confusing sight, one that needed to be breathed in, looked at through the microscope of a photo but Remus was only given a moment before the sight grew in beauty, her face.


"I um." He let his confusion grow. A trampoline in Hogwarts? "I just wanted to see if you were all right." His whispers could be heard through the silence and echo of the empty room.

Anastasia watched him, if Remus had been any closer he would have seen the surprise in her eyes. "I'm just a little miffed is all."

He flexed his hands. "I could beat up Sirius." He smiled. I made her laugh. Her giggles ricochet through the room into his ears.

"No, no. Sirius's comments though stupid isn't really the cause for my...." Her mouth opened and closed and a shrug was her answer. Depression felt dramatic, anger wasn't the right word and frustration she crude in the subject of her feelings.

Remus nodded he understood the strife of choosing the words to describe the complexity of your feeling layers and all. There was a pause in their stares, maybe a moment to think or just to observe.

"Come here."

Authors note:

Hi double update on a Monday 🤨. I love this chapter may be my new favorite though I am still in love with the scavenger hunts.
Next update in like a hour 😋.

Date posted: March 27th

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Date posted: March 27th

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