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CHAPTER 16 (part two)

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CHAPTER 16 (part two)

Felix Felicis For James

Sunday morning or noon really came with a collective headache. Remus woke to thoughts of all he had to do that day.  There was a research paper in his first class the following morning to McGonagall that Remus had neglected. There was the common room in need of maintenance after last night, and he had a horrible ache in his hip from sleeping on something. 

Remus had blindly searched his bed for the item, only to find it in the pocket of his pants from the night before, but he had failed to change out of. Felix Felicis For James. 

Remus held the vial above his head, letting it glow with the light of the window into the clear glass. He thought about it. Anyone James knew wouldn't be able to make much less get the potion and with little hope. He drowned it.

Immediately Remus had felt a golden high run through him. A new consciousness filled with confidence and boyish feeling in his body, clear of aches from his years of damage. His height felt lordly rather than awkward. And in looking at himself in the mirror, he swore he had never seen a hotter guy. 

His corduroy slacks seemed to fit him perfectly. He left his handkerchief linen fabric button up low on his chest, allowing brief peaks onto his scars. His hair fell perfectly even if days before he was convinced he was in need of a trim. 

He left the dorm out to the common room grinning as it was spotless, as if never touched. Walking out of Gryffindor tower and down the stairs met with compliments from century old paintings on his looks.  

On his bubbly strut down the corridor to the great hall, Remus took notice of the navy blue robes of his house's head.

"Mr. Lupin, I just came from the Great Hall in search for you." McGonagall addressed the boy, who looked like he had just won the lottery. 

"How did I get so lucky to have the Minnie looking for me?" Remus sang out in a tone so happy it almost sounded sarcastic.  

"Yes, well, I was coming to tell you that you have done enough extra credit for your research paper on 17th century transfiguration will be excused with a 100." McGonagall stated, looking at Remus confused as to the usual brooding charm changed into a lordly cheer.  

"Oh! That's just lovely." Remus bent down, giving the stiff teacher a hug. Leaving McGonagall speechless and before she could scold him for the inappropriate affection. "See you promptly tomorrow. Cheers Minnie."  

And his sauntering down the hall continued, completely oblivious to the floored looks he was getting from every passing student.  

In the Great Hall he took a roll straight off Evan Rosier, a fourth year Slytherin's plate. Saved a first year from tripping over the large feet of some seventh year Ravenclaw and made his way out of the commissary with eyes from every table on his bright smile and open shirt. 

He had left the school confused with questions if the boy had found a poly juice potion to switch personalities with his comrade James, all while adopting a nymphet luminosity.  

He had dotted through the halls finding two knuts and five sickles, leading him out to the open air stone canopies of corridors. Stumbling upon the pretty Anastasia walking with the ever eager Amos Diggory. 

Amos was a Hufflepuff seventh year. The boy was a stand-in chaser for the Hufflepuff quidditch team and spent most games sitting on the bench. He was short (in Remus' view) and wasn't very popular when it came to friends or ladies.

Anastasia would flirt with him in exchange for cigarettes. Amos' father owned Tobacconist, a shop in Horizont Alley. His father was known not to have the kindest morals when it came to parenting and had no issue supplying his son with whatever tobacco related products. It helped Amos had no issue buying his way into friendship either. He also wasn't an idiot and knew Ana only spoke to him when she rarely wanted a smoke. But Diggory wasn't one to be mad about a pretty girl flirting with him fake or not. 

Anastasia looked like ignorance in her straight neck short boxy baby pink dress. Her hair plaited into two braids. And two tone hush puppies. Remus walked straight up to her. "You look like spring." 


He took her glowing cheeks bright from the first sunny day in weeks in his large hands, gave her blue eyes a once over before crashing his lips onto her pouted ones. He didn't savor this kiss on too much of a high to know he should savor a kiss with her, stolen or not.  

Remus pulled back, dropping his hands, giving her a lopsided grin, turning to Amos. "You know, never noticed this till now. You looked right fucking fit, too." Leaving the boy, whose eyes were already bulging, jaw dropped.  

"Remus!" Anastasia exclaimed, looking up to him. 

"Sorry, dove got to go." Remus placed a chaste kiss to her cheek before practically skipping away.

Remus spent the day doing things he would have never dared to try, stealing books from the library, flying on a broom far past the highest tower of Hogwarts, asking the elves to make him the most outlandish of recipes. Playing his music as loud as he had wanted, with no remorse as to who it would affect.  

The truth of Liquid Luck is that the fortuity was superficial. There was no real luck added. Only a drug that altered the wizard or witches brain to take thought into the good that had happened throughout their life, and a heightened sense of confidence or rather a veil to part of a brain that allowed Remus to dissect how everything he did would relay to everything around him.

The truth was, having little thought and just pure action more times than not would lead to what people would call 'luck'. And that was the science or scheme behind the most sought after potion in the whole wizarding world.

Authors Notes:

Hey guyssss. I did a 12 hour non stop writing sprint and wrote all of chapter 17, 18, 19 so I am for like the first time ever in the story stupid ahead of schedule. Yaaay. have a good day life is being good !!!

 have a good day life is being good !!!

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Date Posted: July 16th, 2023

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