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CHAPTER 29 (1/3)Bennie and the Jets

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CHAPTER 29 (1/3)
Bennie and the Jets

'You've got the blues in your shoes and your stockings.You're windy and wild, oh yeah.'

Where is he? Ana leaned into Sirius on the common room's stairs railing. The wings on her back pinched her shoulders as she craned her neck to rake the where's waldo of a scene.

In the study desk lined area, she could see Lily and James talking next to a barrel of liquors.

Lily was laughing at something James said. Huh? Lily must have had half the barrel to be actually laughing at something 'barmy Potter' said.

"You know people might take that costume very offensively."

Sirius turned to the prepubescent cracking voice of a Ravenclaw, adorning a lazy costume of his quidditch uniform. What was his name Jay, Justin, Ja Juh?

"Oh, gosh who!" Ana straightened up, very offended. This was a nun of a step down from last year.

"Catholic's," Jack responded, swishing around his butterbeer, like he was at a winery.

Sirius wrapped his hand around Ana's waist, leaning forward, his movements looking liquid in his drunk state. "Stop being a buzz on my birthday."

After claiming the holiday of Halloween as a celebration for himself, Sirius gestured around the room. "And I don't see people acting very holy."

The party had been well under way. Now descending into various scenes of delirium.

The streamers, once strewn meaningfully on the wall and ceiling, now lay on the ground bound to be tracked up by a crinkle boot. Others still dangling for life tickled the hair of carousers, adding to the messy appearance of any one present.

The scent of pachouli and marijuana checked out any sensitive nose or sober head. The furniture, once neatly arranged, now served as makeshift seating for the revelers cushions tossed haphazardly.

"Not Holy" Ana agreed, nodding. Not truthfully present to know what she was agreeing on.

Where is he? She could see in the side balcony open across the room, with two figures. In the cold air, a miserable-looking Regulus Black rested on the railing. He had a lazily smudged on upside-down triangle on his nose, and three thin lined on each cheek.

A black cat on Halloween. He's a walking bad omen, looking like a hurt puppy.

The fifth year stood next to the Harpy, Dorcas, who seemed to not notice friends depressed look as she watched her girlfriend use couch cushions as a sled for the girl's dorm stairs, with the ever unbothered Peter.

"Think of the Irish students." John continued.

"Oh, hush, we're dressed as sisters-brothers- sister and broth- we're siblings." Sirius slurred his words.


Ana stepped forward, turning her head away from the sad Black to the drunk one, defending him. "Lucifer was an angel before you know.." She trailed out her word, making a little falling movement with her fingers.

An aloof, airy voice startled everyone. "I think they're referring to a fallen angel, like when an apple falls from a tree to the ground, and gets all rotten while the others stay ripe. But it's still an apple."

Ana turned the figure, who looked less like a human, covering in feathers and a paper mache beak. Dressed like a hippogriff, it was amazing she had managed to sneak up on the three. "Gosh Pandora, you scared me."

"Whatever." Jax said, stomping away.

As Sirius greeted the Hippogriff, Ana followed Jace's line of movement to continue her pining search.

Where is h- In the corner, where Ana had encountered the cowardly lion last year, she spotted Benjy Fenwich talking to a pirate of Barty Crouch.

Ana almost huffed seeing the boy dressed as one of the most liked nicest wizards born, Newt Scamander. Why, do I have to dislike him?

Ana had been pouring her-self into her work of charms and recreations, to ignore the fact she was now, no longer oblivious to her crush on Remus Lupin. Aswell painfully aware of his bruise covered neck and progressive compatibility to her.

She found little solace in her friends. The state of the group had gone down since the day Marlene introduced Dorcas Meadows.

Mary and Lily were the worst. Not talking to eachother at all, since the mutual room storm out.

A "fallout" (breakup) of sorts between the 'friends' had been struck. Judging by the 'unkept' Lily who seemed to be more into the color black, and bluer than a newly made widow.

Alice hadn't spoken to any of them since. The only sign of her presence was when Marlene found the wardrobe the two shared with the newly made room and half the clothes gone.

Marlene had begrudgingly accepted the apologies of Mary and Lily for their behavior, though still pivy when both gave bogus explanations as to why. She was still harboring anger for Alice, so much so anything said that even reminded her of the mousy haired Fortese left her in spit speech about loyalty and hypocrisy.

Ana sighed, tuning back into Sirius and Pandora. "I do tend to have a startling factor to me."

Ana loosely nodded back, till her eye caught him.

"There!" she mistakenly said out loud when she spotted him under a hat. Bloody hat.

Author Notes:

Shorter part for the absolute yummy-ness the next two part off this chapter will be.

Next part on the 25th!

Date Posted: April 20th, 2024

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Date Posted: April 20th, 2024

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