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CHAPTER 4 (part two)

The black lake was still, sound. No ripples to show signs of life or waves cast by the wind. The only thing noticeable about it was the addition of a small bright buoy painted in the gryffindor red and gold stripes. It had to have been at least 60 yards out.

That fucking arse hole

"Suppose we just got to off and do it" Anastasia accepted her fate, thinking how she was going to give that barmy bastard a good whack when she won this game he constructed.

Remus turned to her, they had shared a long moment of silence in their arrival to the lake both taking in the far distance of their next clue. Remus' eyes only landing on Ana's figure for a moment before panic set in, his head turned again stiff staring wide at the lake. There she was undressing, her shirt was already off by the time Remus had looked at her hands working on the zipper of her shorts. He gulped.

That fucking arsehole

Remus could imagine it now, James having the time of his life with his precious Lily unaware that he had every intention of smothering him in his sleep right in their dorm that very night.

"You can look, Lupin, I would have said if I didn't want you to." Anastasia stated, comfortable in him seeing her. It was no different than anyone staring in her bikini in her mind. And Remus had given her no reason to have him look away.

Remus shifted his body to the right, his eyes turning to her last. All white. They were the simplest pair of undergarments. Just white cotton. No lace. No thong. Modest is what most would call them. Why was he reacting like this? His eyes met her face again and there she stood oblivious looking at him with a questioning gaze as if waiting for something.

"You not coming?" Ana asked.

"I'm just not the best swimmer." Remus whispered. It was true his awkward limbs could never figure out how to move in a swift way. He also wanted to get out of taking his clothes off infront of her. His scars. Sure Anastasia had her own much less, but they were a white faded color, the tiniest tinge of pink to them. His were gnarly, harsh, hard to look at, grimacing.

"Lupin, you live right next to a lake. A perfectly swimmable one might I add. Did we not used to swim in it when we were younger?" Anastasia's tone showed disbelief. Did he really not want to swim so bad he had forgotten they used to when they were little.

She remembers. Remus didn't know why it had come as such a shock to him Anastasia mentioned their time spent together when they were children. He knew it was foolish to assume she had forgotten, they had seen eachother daily for two years straight. But then again Anastasia had never mentioned it before (neither had he..) When they had seen eachother in their first year Anastasia referred to him as Lupin rather than Remus and he assumed it was unspoken. Though little eleven year old Remus seemed to be quite heartbroken at her unacknowledgement forgetting to even consider the fact he had not acknowledged Anastasia either. Part of him hoped she had forgotten cringing at his childhood boldness or their first kiss they had together. But now, right now he felt happy knowing for certain she remembered.

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