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CHAPTER 6 (part two)

Anastasia had hung out with the girls for most of the day only leaving them in their last hour of time in hogsmeade as the sun was soon to be setting and only sixth and seventh years were allowed to stay after dusk. She stood in Honeydukes looking at the large arrangements of chocolate bars and an already hefty stack of sour candies in her hands. She had to pick a kind of chocolate first and then god why were there so many options of things to be added. She settled on the a dark chocolate one with almonds and cranberries that seemed likable enough in her eyes.

Remus had also departed from his friend only mere minutes before looking into the shop for Anastasia. After his day in Hogsmeade he had finally psyched himself out enough to hopefully mend the gawky tension that had been created earlier in their day. He had seen her back from the bright lights of the candy shop he already had plans of visiting in his day.

"Hi." Remus made his presence known to the girl who looked very serious in her choosing of chocolate.

Anastasia, startled, looked up at Remus. "Hi." She noticed Remus look down awkwardly letting out a breath looking at the chocolate bars.

"I'm really sorry again. It was wrong of me to assume anything." Anastasia apologized. She had gone over the whole conversation in her mind the whole day scolding herself in her lack of woke wording and assumtions.

Remus looked back up at her though she was no longer watching him. "Oh no you're fine really. Ah actually you weren't really that wrong."

Anastasia felt stupid now, her feeling betraying her rational thought. She had no right to feel this way, it was silly. Why was she disappointed in Remus' recent answer? She was the one who made up the idea in her head of his sexuality. Unbeknownst to Ana she only made it up to block the feelings that came arise at the thought of the boy, at his voice, his looks, his stare, their history.


"I mean.. I just'- I'm like... half?" Remus cringed internally at his horrible description of bisexuality.

Anastasia giggled now. "I'm like half too."


The two burst out into giggles. Their eyes meeting before turning away and more laughter would continue. Remus picked up his order of chocolate bars probably upwards of 12 in his hands. They paid together with James money, and walked back to the last carriage in sight ready for a journey back to hogwarts.

In the tight carriage the pair didn't speak though comfortable silence was shared. Anastasia looked down at the chocolate bar that stood out in the sea of her sour candies. Anastasia didn't mind chocolate, only she despised dark chocolate much too rich and lord almonds and cranberries inside. She thought chocolate was good on its own and the added ingredients a disservice to it.

She couldn't give this to him now it would be silly.

Authors note:

DOUBLE UPDATE!!!! I know it's short but I like it I might come back to it and edit it cause I think it could use some work.

Date posted: March 22nd

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