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CHAPTER 15 (part 1/3)THE GIRLS (+remus i guess)

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CHAPTER 15 (part 1/3)
(+remus i guess)

The next morning, each teen left for their respective homes for Christmas, aside from Sirius and James. The year brand new 1976 came with separate new year's celebrations split by gender. The girls spending their time at Marlene's and the boys traveling back to the Potter's. And a week later, school had begun again.

Remus had read lots about becoming pirates, business men, princes, detectives, schoolboys, soldiers. What was lacking in the field of literature was the life of women, the trends within their endures, the cheers of sisterhood, and their true perception, only reliable from a female author, which was also lacking.

Remus or men never read stories and imagined themselves like a woman, how they would act, how they would feel. They didn't think about being a mother, a nurse, a teacher, all things considered to be a women's work. When women would read stories with a wide plethora of male perspectives, they would have this practice of imaging themselves just as a man.

But now on the white hospital bed, Remus could watch them and become beamed into their lives. In this young year, he had found his friendship with Anastasia not only growing, but with her came the girls. Which now subjecting them to 'the girls' felt injustice, but how was he to name all of them when more times than not they came in packs, together?

It wasn't that a relationship wasn't there, between the five, but a strong one, no. Remus, like most boys, never imagined having a close friendship with women. For Remus, it was because he was so intimidated by them, not the usual sexist ideals. The Welsh boy's young fifteen-year-old mind perceived girls like little mysteries who could read each other's minds and destroy your feeling of self worth in a second just by bringing up one thing you were oblivious to.

He thought that was why James and Anastasia got along so well. James didn't care much about his self-worth. Sure, he was vain, in his looks, but how he came off to others that he wasn't close to didn't bother him. James cared about his friends and family, making everyone around him happy, and that was about it.

Out of all of them, Remus thought he was probably closest to Alice, by proxy of Frank. But even then, it was only out of connivance when all the boys were together and Alice happened to be dragged in, she would drift to Remus.

At first look Remus was gruff and looked that he would grow into a ruddy manly man, but a look closer. He had a sort of androgynous ambience.

Behind his tall height, large shoulder, and scars, were long eyelashes, prominent love handles, a slim face, and framing hair. His attire moved between tight graphic shirts and sweaters that hit in a cropped fashion above his v-line because of his long torso. There was no denying his femininity if one would only perceive him beyond acquaintance's impression.

Alice and him fell into easy conversation, now that Remus could compare their past chatter, which was about Frank, any of the boys, or school. He didn't know a single thing about Alice. He thought himself a guilty bad friend for never asking at the start of January when the relationships first began to inure.

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