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CHAPTER 29 (3/3)

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CHAPTER 29 (3/3)

They spent the rest of the night dancing together, little flux of conversation, with friends jumping in a filtering out.

By the early morning, Remus limbs hurt from all the dancing, same as they would after a moon.

Ana and him were hazed and loose but nothing compared to the whining belligerent drunk, Lily, who they had arms intertwined over her shoulders, trying to help her up the stairs as she refused to step foot in her dorm.

At some point in the night Lily and others of the sort saw Mary and Emmeline walking up the steps and into the girls' dorm, in a way that was unmistakingly obvious as to why they had left the party.

"I mean what right does she have to the dorm tonight- that leaves what- me, Ana, Marls, all stranded were stranded for the night- and like what's selfish- right? I'm not the selfish one she is." Lily gave her every thought process to the group.

"Let's get you to bed, Lils, just sleep it off." Ana pushed up another step, holding onto Remus's forearm tighter, as the ginger was becoming more and more of dead weight.

"I can help you guys if you'd like," James called behind them, even though he had the leaning figures of Sirius and Peter on either of his shoulders.

"It's fine, James, you seem held up yourself." Ana replied.

"Oh no, it's no problem, Remus. I know your shoulder-" James continued, getting cut off by Remus, who stopped cocked his head to the side, looking down at James.

In a dismissing, deep voice, he denied James. "We're good."

The marauders were still is disarray, and it seemed Remus was very bad at letting feelings on any subject or person go. Remus and Ana laid on his bed staring at the canopied ceiling he had charmed to look like the night sky. He did it really to remind himself when the next full moon was approaching, though his body did well at that just as well.

They had gotten Lily up the steps and laid on James's bed. She was currently filtering in between seconds of sleep and waking up to rant again about Mary's "selfishness".

"So this the infamous dorm." Ana stated. At some point in the night, she had found Remus's cowboy hat on her head, and Remus found her halo on his.

"MmmM." Remus nodded.

"I liked our first dorm better. It faced the lake. Did you all have to moved dorm's after third year?" Ana said, sitting up for a second to sling off her gogo boots. One of them hitting Peter in the leg who was trying to shush James and Sirius from singing their quidditch chants in the dorms."Sorry Peter." Ana barely regarded him, flopping back onto her back with Remus.

"No, we've never changed dorms." Remus muttered, a little muddled over the fact Anastasia Fox was lying in his bed.

Ana huffed. "Bloody sexist." She tried to get comfy, taking off Remus's hat and holding it in her arms like a beloved teddy.

Her neck still felt a kink from under the pillow. She reached under the feather fitting pulling out a leather bound pocket journal, messy stained with ink, pages falling out.
"What's this?"

Remus turned his head, heart stopping. Ana holding his hobby book, of writing poetry about her. Snatching it out of her hand, using his long arms to slide it under the bed, cursing himself for leaving suck personal effects in the obvious place of a pillow.

Lying back down, he tried to find an adjective to describe the cursed leather. "Its-"

"Is it a diary?" Ana smiled at him, intrigued by the usual slow and tactile man's reaction.

"No, it's..." He moved his hand around like he was dusting something off, as if to say it was nothing, though he couldn't say that.

Ana nodded, giggling at the half moon above her. "And you won't show it to me."

Remus looked at her, and her blonde hair that was losing its summer highlights. "Not now, eventually, and you can look at it, and laugh at it."

Ana got excited, smug even. Bet Benjy hasn't seen it. She turned her head to look at him. "Really? You'll let me see it one day."

He nodded, though if he was being honest the only reality provoking way he could imagine her reading it was after his death, probably from a rough moon when she was already married, probably a master charm inventor. "Of course Anastasia."

She blushed hearing him call her by her full name. Covering her face with the cowboy hat, she responded. "I look forward to it."


She raised the end of the hat; she whispered. "I look forward to it." 

Down the room she could hear Lily wake up again babbling about loyalty in a half cry.

Sitting up, Ana sighed. Remus was so nice he probably wouldn't even call her out if she faked falling asleep on his bed. "I should go help Lily before she chokes is her sleep, or spills all her secrets."

Remus nodded, sitting up as well. "Yeah, you know I have never seen her so un-Evans like. This week all she's been wanting to read are gruesome horror stories, or like really overtly happy books."

Ana laughed, cringing a little. "Yeah, I can't imagine why." She stood up, turning to walk away.

"Oh, wait." Remus called.

"Mm?" she asked, taking a step closer to his sitting form.

He reached into his dresser of a side table. Pulling out a big sweater and plaid green pj pants. "Here, as pretty as it is, doesn't look the most comfortable to sleep in."

Ana was never one for restraint or thought her only reasoning was in her defense. We've been touching all night. What does this hurt? Ana leaned down, taking the clothes from his hands and kisses the freckles of his cheek. "Thank you Remus."

She and Lily slept in James' bed while James shared with Peter. She changed behind the curtain of the bed into his clothes.

It was the second year in a row. She left Halloween night in another guy's clothes. Though Ana embarrassingly wished she was wearing Remus' wool sweater for the same reason, she wore Prewett's.

 Though Ana embarrassingly wished she was wearing Remus' wool sweater for the same reason, she wore Prewett's

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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