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CHAPTER 24 (part 1/2)

Dumbledore took the stage on his stand, a rostrum of authority. He had a comforting guilt at being ever so unhelpful while never casting an unbelieving eye. A solution to everything that always had a downside to show his power, while having a fault to never cause fear to his capacity.

He never spoke without purpose. Not certainty in anything he was saying, but reason. To install some thought to any of his many listeners.

Every year at the first feast of the new term he chose to stand which was at any moment of his choosing to show such license, control, that was never noticed maliciously but observed. And with his footing and cordially welcome back or too, the dinner would end.

Every remnant of the vast display of foods that had taken days of work from the kitchen elves would vanish. Whether you had a plateful or a mere sip of your drink.

It was his choosing and patience for when to remind.

So this year when he stood before not all had sat, only after the last first year, a Zabini had travelled, skipping off the hat and to the Slytherin table.

He had something to say not to only instill thought, but before the feast of socialites. Conversation, he wanted word of his address.

The headmaster gripped the trimmings of the wood pedestal that had faded over the placements of his hands like cement imprints. His wand floated to be propped us a microphone.

He looked upon the crowd, silent, gazing to him for direction.

He took in a breath and a quartered sigh. "Ahh, hello. Welcome to or back to Hogwarts."

His voice was a resonate baritone. So feted in influence with a grate that there was no imaging it any younger. "As most of you know, of the grim murders of the Tollwalker family, and the recent attacks to muggles and muggle-born witches and wizards by an unnamed group."

Every muggle born in the room tensed, feeling picked to stand on stage in the crowd. Every Slytherin either lowered their heads in morality or boasted their chests out in pride.

Dolores Tollwalker ran out of the hall with Emmeline Vance following behind, but Dumbledore payed no attention to the scene.

"I want to ensure to all of you that Hogwarts is the safest place you could be during these times." His lips, or rather his beard, turned up slightly and a smile that comforted the troubled minds, foolishly.

"With that, I leave you with this sediment." He leaned closer to the wand, hunched more, so the smile was gone.

He looked to the Gryffindors. "Allies and warriors are the most praised and brave."

It seemed like a job add he was giving to a group of kids, but he kept it short enough that if anyone were to question his intention, he could merely pass it off as an acclaim to the auroras.

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