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CHAPTER 4 (part one)

Can I go where you go?

The week had passed and the short two day break had begun for students. Remus's hair had returned to his familiar mousy brown and though his schedule meagre in comparison to his past years, he was starting to revel in failing awfully at Care for Magical Creatures. When the simplylists of tasks went wrong in Remus' attempt, Anastasia would kindly swoop in and help him. Potions however did not improve, the flirting had not ceased and Remus had found himself becoming more of a partner with Gideon Prewett rather than who he wished, Anastasia Fox.

With no classes, quidditch tryouts not till next week, hogsmeade trips not for another month the common rooms were filled with cliques of friend groups ranging from first year to seventh. No surprise the Gryffindor common room's main center of warm fireplace, cluttered couches and loveseats was the schools most known groups of friends dwelling in the noon of that Saturday. The group sat bored, no four boys had extravagant plans on what to do with their day.

James however since that morning had been unable to stay still, always rocking on his toes checking his watch and seemingly restless looking as if he was waiting for something big to happen. While sitting on one of the many couches he looked down at his posh watch again as the time had hit 12:00 and stood abruptly, confident strides to end up standing tall on the wood coffee table center to all his friends.

"All right everyone. LISTEN UP!!" James shouted much too loud for the inside space, and likely far too loud for any space.

"We heard you at all right 'all right' much less we saw you get up on the table." Mary Macdonald started rolling her eyes annoyed at the spectacle wearing boy already. James waves his hands shooing her off. Having practiced his introduction to the event he had been tediously obsessing over for the past week completely neglected his beginning of the year assignments.

"After a long first week of our fifth year. I have set up a celebration. THAT TOOK A LOT OF WORK AND WAS DONE ALL ON MY OWN. SO ALL OF YOU better take this seriously." James grins clapping his hands together eager to start the affair he took responsibility for. The girls aside from Ana look uninterested even a little peeved they had been dragged into one of the Marauders activities. Sirius, Peter and Anastasia had their shoulders raised in anticipation keeping their eyes locked on James' looming figure.

"I have created the Great Gryffindor Scavenger Hunt! Exclusive to a small group of fifth years." James smiled giddy and his hands now spread wide as if he was presenting an esteemed award. Sirius and Anastasia clap for him both competitive at heart.

"Alright, I have chosen groups of two that will each be given one clue at the beginning. Each clue will lead you to a new clue and a mystery item. There are three clues and items in total, your group has to return with those three items to get the super wicked prize. The first team to return gets it." James' excitement only increases at the claps. At the mention of a prize the friends stand and gather closer to James. "And don't worry I can't cheat I tasked Annie with choosing my partner and the items, and clu-"

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