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Bad Schedules

The first day of Remus Lupin's classes for his fifth was not a good day for the teen from the second he opened his eyes. He had been woken to his dorm mates scrabbling around their already clutter filled room, James looked to be searching through his yet to be unpacked trunk for his school books. Sirius seemed to be completely ready, bag and all except for his lack of pants, Peter was pacing at the door fully ready biting his fingernails looking all too guilty.

"James, give me a pair of your pants." Sirius stood in front of the kneeling boy with pleading eyes.

"No! You were wearing yours at last night's feast, just take a pair of Moony's" James suggested not looking at Sirius. Hand in his charmed suitcase to hold far more than the size of the box, throwing out clothes at random. "Ah ha." Holding up a brand new fifth year potions book that's cover was now bent in half.

"I can't take his pants. He's already going to murder us and besides his Mum tailors them to be like twenty centimeters taller than me." Sirius whispered out pacing the room for a sign of the black slacks, his eyes on the floor before looking up, spotting them hanging on one of Remus' four bed posts. Grabbing the pants quickly, jumping into them as James and Peter whisper yelled at him trying to get the Black boy to hurry up before they met the wrath of their stupidly tall best friend.

"Why are you all up so early?" The groggy voice of half lidded eyed Remus came out. When he could see the fear stuck in his three friends' faces. Sharing a room with them since he was eleven he knew they'd done something wrong and the fact the looks were directed at him was only worse. "What did you do?" His voice no longer horse in with tired tone but stern.

"We're soooo starved for breakfast. Thought we'd just get an early start to our first day. Setting goals for the new term." James rushed out grabbing onto Sirius' hand pulling him roughly to the door.

"Yeah. Remus you should try it to lots motivating."  Peter tried to pull the evident lie coming from James' mouth into a pretty bow for Remus's mind but only received a wack in the head from James at his suggestion forgetting that they were trying to get away from Remus.

"Right, well better get going." Sirius started moving to open the door and make a run for it. Though his movement was cut off by Remus.

"What have you done?" Remus repeated now fully sat up on his bed.

Before James could rush the boys out of the room to avoid the wrath of their dear now awakened friend Peter opened his mouth, partially spilling a truth into what they had done in this early morning. "It's really not that bad, suits you well if you ask me. Really nobody could pull it off like you're doing right now." Still holding the back off his head while collecting a second hit from James at his new comment.

Remus rushed to the bathroom mirror met with the sight of his hair colored with bright pink highlights. "What have you done?"

Remus pulled at all the boy's ears to keep them in the room and Sirius's very tedious explanation as to the situation of his hair came about. Remus learned that James had dreamt the night before of getting made fun of all day in classes because his hair had turned bright pink. His so-called nightmare woke him up early, struck with the great idea of their first prank of their fifth year dyeing all the Slytherin's hair bright pink. Because of the early hour and his lack of sleep James may have considered his idea slightly more great than it actually was, which caused him to try and wake all him dorm mates into completing the prank, successful on two regards of waking Sirius and Peter but failing when it came to Remus who was a very much a deep sleeper. With the work of a simple 'multicofors' spell and the fact that Remus was not awake in their schemes he became the delegated experiment for their trial having never used the spell before. It being their first time attempting the spell it only left Remus with the streaky coloring of pink not dominating his brown hair. Only after trying it did Peter question what the reversal of the spell meant to last twenty four hours (there isn't one) did the boys decide it was best to start their activities for the day extra early.

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