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CHAPTER 17 (part one)

"Why have you and Lupin been silent around eachother for the past two weeks?"


Lanterns loosely hung by silks and ribbons. Drawings laxly stuck to the stone walls by colorful paper tapes. The naked candles dripping lac onto the years old wax teardrops fixed to the chestnut desks. The hundred-year-old wardrobes carved with peonies, roses, weeping willows, and more modern markings of each owner's height from the callow age of eleven to older winters.

They had their childhood teddies next to their Russian match boxes. They had corkboards filled with copied lyrics from their favorite rebellious songs, adjoining letters from their parents. Their black robes hung overtop their flashy coats of faux leather and gabardine embroidered jackets. Their church girl maryjanes coexisting with their calf high lace-up boots.

Mary drawing charcoal depictions of the fallen angel, while Lily lay next to her on the blue rose comforter of her bed annotating her Arithmancy notes. Alice sewing a red houndstooth patch over her ripped jeans. She had torn the denim after a clumsy walk, leaving her palms scrapped and knees needing a doss healing charm.

"We're not silent around each other." Ana denied shifting her shoulder further up on Emmeline's stomach, allowing the Irish girl more room to play with her dirty blonde's hair.

"I mean Remus is always a little quiet with you-" Lily said, being cut off by Mary fake coughing out muffled words.

"To busy staring."

Lily kicked her leg to land on the cheeky McDonald. "-BUT, these two weeks it's been like olden times again."

The room fell quiet only with the loud breeze of the night winds, and in reaction to Anastasia's prolonged silence Lily looked up from her primitively color coded notes. The fair girl was frowning, playing with the frayed trim of her cut tank top.

"Well, he did- He did kiss me."

Lily let out a gasp so loud it sounded as if she was in a slasher film, and Mary springing up to jump on the ginger's bed, squealing like she was in a chick flick.

"Ow!" Alice pricked her finger on the thin sewing needle out of shock. Emmeline moved off from her back, propping herself on her elbows to look down on at the bashful Ana.

Alice had thrown her pants across the room, leaping off her tattered steel case desk chair to the edge of Ana's bed, grabbing the girl's thigh. "What! Tell me right now. What did he do? Was it romantic?"

"Oh, fuck Marlene! Why aren't you here?" Mary whined, falling back onto the plush comforter, knowing how much the spirited Marlene would be screaming at the chance of her favorite 'couple' finally coming together. 

To Ana, Remus kissing her was like a slap in the face. He kissed her, and she felt the need to apologize to him. She felt the guilt waning into the craze of atonement, not for flirting with him or being some form of a tease, but because she did it without blatant reason, no thought. 

Anastasia liked flirting, for the power fervour it gave her. But with Remus, she held no thrilling control, like the Welsh boy had perceived. She did it without thought, naivety of promiscuous. 

She didn't mind the kiss. Ana thought Remus was fit. She wasn't blind. But kissing him seemed so out of the equation when it came to their friendship. The relationship felt budding rather than the close to a decade long ever curving vine it was. 

The kiss wasn't emotional that was obvious the second it happened. In fact, it made Ana happy that the monstrously selective Remus Lupin had chosen her as one of the friends he sloppily kissed in his high.

After Anastasia had recovered from the initial disbelief of Remus' greet. She had wordlessly left the confused Amos and rushed to find James. The boy seemed confused at first to her illustration of the tall boy's demeanor. Only to find the lightbulb of conclusion did he tell her Remus had drunken the potion.

In James' quick thinking and possible over explanation to cover his friend, he had stated that Remus had also kissed him, so she wasn't special.

Anastasia wouldn't lie, though. His pet name and seasonal compliment left a flush to her face and a tapering in her chest.

Authors Note:


Pt.2 tonight

Date: July 20th, 2023

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Date: July 20th, 2023

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