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CHAPTER 6 (part one)

The unconventional sight of four teen boys sat around the tavern of the Three Broomsticks. Well no, their sight was not peculiar rather to the faint of ear it was. The bunch clumped together bickering on the topic of love. Rather the question they had. What the most romantic acts could be?

Each with a different stance, the exception of the blase Sirius Black who stood indifferent in the conversation. He had never been so interested in the relationship aspects of romance. His close friends could only make a conclusion of his aversion to his home life of constantly feeling tied down.

Peter argued it was acts of devotion that were most romantic. His analogy for his argument was quite flat, making the example of having to give up your owl cause your lover was allergic. James was adamant it was big gestures that held the trophy. And Remus... words.

"Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches." Remus used his empty butterbeer glass as a microphone and his other rested on his chest to convey the passion of his quote.

"No, my idea of a surprise holiday and a room full of flowers is ten times more romantic than that." James shakes his head, ill impressed in Remus' dramatic gesture of words.

Peter nods agreeing. "I have to agree with Prongs. I don't even understand what you were trying to say." His wiry voice came up muffled by the foam of his second butterbeer creating a white mustache on his face that seemed to age his already unfortunate looks greatly.

"It's the Princess Bride?! God sometimes I forget I am friends with a bunch of purebloods." Remus slumps over in defeat resting his head on the table with the support of his crossed arms.

"Why don't you say that to Fox she's a halfblood. Sure she'll understand your oh so poetic tongue." Sirius mused out causing Remus to raise his head with a glare.

"Common Moony you've had this crush as we've known you! Aren't you going to do something about it?" James agreed with Sirius' words though they were only meant as a tease to Remus' complaint in his friend's blood status.

The group was caught deep in their conversation and with the overcapacity in customers they failed to see Anastasia walk in much less hear her approach them from behind. But there she stood in front of Remus' back only managing to steal the last words in their current conversation.

"Lupin has a crush, who's the lucky lad?"

The group erupted in jumps of surprises. Sirius let out a girlish scream. Peter's whole body lurched, his knees hitting the hard wood of the table causing him to wince greatly. James grabbed his chest like an old motherly woman who was ill in her times.

"Gosh Fox you can't scare a man like that." Sirius said he was still recovering from the fright of her appearance to their plot.

"Your scream was hardly manly." Anastasia replied.

Remus had not recovered; however, his back still slumped over the table eyes wide. The surprise still horror stricken face was for another reason.

"You think I'M GAY?!?!" Remus whirled around to face Anastasia.

The people around them all quieted a cord in his statement sending a few wordless judgemental looks before continuing in their business.

"I... uh ptfftff" She squinted her eyes trying to gauge how to answer the question.

"No...?" Anastasia's words lacked conviction or certainty.

"You definitely said lad." Peter interjected.

"It just-I- you know- I've just never seen you... take much interest in any girls." James let out a cough of something along the lines of 'but you' in Anastasia panicked words.

"Not that there's something wrong with that or it makes you queer or something. Just... I always thought something with you and Sirius was happening." Anastasia rushed out a explanation.

Anastasia didn't know how to approach the conversation. It was the seventies and the majority's perception and judgment of queer people was often on the negative spectrum. She tried to dance around her words analyzing each of the boy's faces to unmask how they felt about the heavily closeted subject.

All the boys burst out into laughter besides Remus who was still in horror. "Me and Sirius?!" Remus always thought Sirius and James had acted the most queer to each other. Had he given others a different perception simply for his uninterested in the opposite sex (with the exception of the oblivious Anastasia.)

"Gosh I don't think I have ever heard your voice that high." Sirius laughed at Remus' expense.

"I should go... I really only came to find James. To get my award money that's all." Anastasia smiled awkwardly ready to leave the current conversation.

James pulled out a small velvet sack from his pocket, loud with the sound of coins brushing against one and other. "Here you go Annie."

"Thanks. Sorry again, misunderstanding really." Anastasia took the pouch eagerly, turning around to weave through the crowd and back out the doors.

Remus turned back around his hands in his hair tugging at it. She thought he was gay. That's probably why she got on his shoulders, why she took his hand, hell that was why she undressed in front of him. It was so clear now to Remus. He could no longer daydream about the possibilities of her actions in the short events that had conspired in their new blooming friendship. He already thought it unlikely she would ever see him in a romantic light but her slip of words only confirmed that.

"She thinks I'm gay." The defeat in his voice was sorrowful. Sirius was unskilled in the act of comfort sending teeth barring awkward smile. James rubbed Remus' back in a motherly way with eyes kind of pity.

"Well, aren't you like half gay." Peter liked to think he was well rounded in most subjects. Well mostly he understands little of many subjects but was still aware of them as a whole. James gave him a smack to the back of his head.

"Pete." Remus sounded like an angry grandpa that was mad his grandchild had stole from the metal cookie jar.


Authors Note:
Omg it only took me three days to update YAAAY. Also more Peter this chapter. Yay. I hopefully a redemption of last chapter 😅. I hope you like it.

I wrote the whole chapter script and all today so I am feeling pretty good.

Date Posted: March 22nd

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Date Posted: March 22nd

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