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HEY! I have a new story posted. It's James story go check it out see if you like it <3

 It's James story go check it out see if you like it <3

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CHAPTER 25 (part two)

Ana had just ran out of the room.

Remus shoulders tensed, his eyes moving away from the displayed anatomy. His fingers grasping the strap of his bag on the back of his seat, ready to run after her. He stopped himself.

If she couldn't even stand the mere mention of them. How hypocritically wrong would it be for Remus to chase after her?

To give her comfort when he was the nightmare she ran from.James and Sirius shared glances. It was obvious. The anatomy posted the name, made Ana flee.

Sirius fained his motive of ascertain as the equal confusion. Turning to the girls. "Woah is foxy okay?"

Mary and Lily shared equally secretive knowing looks. Lily sat forward starring, as Remus with unmistakable pity.

Lily was faint, almost silent. She asked the boys- "You... don't know?"

She had never sound so light and sensitive with her words.

"Know what?" Remus asked in a hopeless way like he already knew. Like his perceptive brain had already figured it long ago. This was denial, and the ginger's grave expression was contradiction.

Lily took in a deep breath, her chest hurting. She didn't want to be the one to break the news. She gulped back any spit leaving her mouth dry, filled with truth.

"Her whole family was attacked and killed by a werewolf. She was the only survivor."

THUD! Peter dropped his textbook on the floor.

"Moony," James tries to say.

But Remus had already slammed his hands on the table, standing up. "I'm gonna be sick."

He ran out the classroom with his long strides, shutting the ancient doors. Slowing down his friends, who scrambled to grab their things, along with Ana and Remus' left bags.

The greekly trabeated encasing walls blurred in his peripheral. Remus held a hand over his mouth.

His body felt ungodly hot. Loosening his tie and pulling the button up out of any tuck.

The wolf walked through the halls with staggering purpose and no destination.

He passed through every door, a labyrinthine of wrong places. Remus only tripped over his heels at one kissing gate.

He knew these doors, rare, and beautiful, and the right place. They hadn't been there this morning when he had passed by the wing. The Room of Requirements.

Remus knew she was in there. He the doors presented themselves to him. Telling him to go in. But he couldn't bear it.

Looking down the parallel hall, He saw the Marlene walking away from a slytherin, Dorcas Meadows. He walked up to her.

Remus' voice shook, taking Marlene's shoulder and point her to the door. "Please- just- go in yo-you'll know when you go in."

Marlene looked up to Remus fearfully. She had never seen the brave boy distraught, hurt. Not even in a hospital bed did he shake."Remus, what's happen-"

"Just go." He couldn't stomach to talk, or stand still any longer. Covering up his mouth again, turning away from the door as if to stop himself storming in to see her.

He finally exhaled a breath when he heard the thick doors shut. She was taken care of.

He continued his speed, tagging through the halls. He ran a hand through his hair. Moving with disregard to himself on the dangerous, acting staircases.

He could hear their footsteps and callings following him. But relentingly fearful, if he saw them, he would club the first spoken in the face. James wouldn't look good with a black eye.

Before comprehension, he passed a departing student, allowing him to slip through the picture frame without a voice. Stepping into the disturbingly serine of the common room only fueled his disgust.

As conclusion grew in his head and the painting swung open again he.

Authors Notes:

Double post yayyy

Double post yayyy

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