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Part 2

Anastasia turning around to face Remus giggling. "No. No say that we had caught one, but the giant squid came and took it with one of its tentacl-"

"I'm sorry I kissed you." Remus had stood, leaving the notebook by the two's robes, socks, and shoes. His feet were just barely touched by the murky water.

Anastasia paused, looking down, pursing her lip before letting out a callow smile. "I'm actually quite honored I was one of the friends you choose to kiss in your luck run."

She looked up with a smirk. "Though you do have to tell me who has better lips, me or James."

Remus smiled, taking a second to respond, not out of contemplation but shock at realizing his month of spiraling was ungrounded when it came to the sweet Anastasia moving further into the water, letting all his unreasonable worries go. "You! Definitely."

"Liar. You're just saying that cause you're too nice." Anastasia bit her lip, swaying in the water, watching Remus.

"No, I'm not I could be very mean." Remus whispered with no conviction.

Anastasia let out a small laugh, so Remus continued eagerly to make her laugh more. "Be honest was I your best kiss?"

Anastasia let out a dramatic gasp, moving her hands to splash Remus with the water. He jumped back as his white shirt got sprayed. "Remus! You can't ask a lady that."

Remus laugh pulling the white shirt that was sticking to his chest away from his body. Anastasia moved closer to him. "Mmm but I don't know. I'd have to kiss you again."

Remus shook his head, certain the girl was joking. "You wouldn't."

"Yes, I would!" Anastasia insisted like a valiant child.

Remus felt bold, comfortable with her smiles, comfortable enough to play into her dally. "Mmm Are you one for dares?"

Remus was met with a second wave of water. From the giggling Anastasia. "Remus! You're becoming a flirt who tainted the sweet boy I know?"

Remus flushed, shrugging his shoulders. "Spending so much time with you."

Ana flicked the side of the boy's head, making her way back to the sand. "Maybe you are mean, Lupin."

Remus followed her, sitting on the beach, watching the view of the evergreen Scottish mountains, and the aged castle of Hogwarts. Anastasia layed next to him her eyes closed to shield from the bright sun.

Remus sat contemplating how to continue into his 'second phase' of conversation he ha practiced in his mirror far to many times. "So I know we'll see eachother in a few weeks at the Cup, but-"

"I still can't believe Mr. Potter managed to get that many tickets, and the week at that." Anastasia turned to Remus, squinting her eyes with a hand up as shade.

James' dad, Fleamont had apparently been so pleased to host nine teenagers during holidays, that he had insisted on taking all of his son's friends to the 1976 Quidditch World Cup. James had surprised everyone with the tickets as gifts after exams had ended.

"Me too." Remus whispered, taking a deep breath before turning to face her. "But in July, I have already invited all the boys, I- um. Well, none of them have ever really been to my house before. So I thought-. You know how pretty it is. I thought we might have fun camping for a few nights. By the lake, of course! The house isn't big enough for everyone."

Remus had his hands rung together, watching Ana listen, nodding her head. "I'd thought- I'd want to know if maybe you'd want to come along, camping."

Remus was slightly lying. His mother had found out about The Potters being the host for the group of friends after Remus has sent her a owl with the news of the trip. Hope had taken Fleamont and Euphemia's conducting's as a need for her to host Remus's friends as well.

In reality, one friend. Hope had only demanded Remus bring Anastasia to their house, in hearing about the rekindled friendship. Remus had denied this immediately, telling his mother there was no way Ana would come with only herself, and from there, Hope had planned the camping trip.

She had already sent letters to Remus telling him how she had been going into town to collect 'supplies' months in advance.

Anastasia grasped Remus's left forearm. That was now completely healed. "I would get to see your mum!"

Remus watched her elated face, nodding. "She'd be really excited to see you."

Ana sat up on her knees. "You think?"

"I know." Remus whispered.

"I'd..." She paused. Anastasia wanted to go so badly. But fears of reaction to the white house, thoughts of one horrible night. But she didn't want that thing to win, not allowing one night to override all the blissful juvenile years she spent in Wales. Plus, she really wanted to see the lake again. "I'd love to."

"Cool." Remus whispered, doing dances inside his head, thinking about the triumph of being able to tell the boys once they made it back to the castle. "I, um, I'm inviting all the girls, too."

Anastasia nodded. "Bet we're only camping cause you don't want anyone to see your Winnie the Pooh wallpaper."

Remus laughed. "Thats exactly why."

"Oh my merlin, you still have it." Ana gasped, hitting his shoulders.Remus glowed crimson. "Yeah. It's vintage."

Authors Notes:

Hey guys, I am so happy that this story is not getting 0 reads anymore. 3.5k is so crazy and only a couple days ago did it hit 3k. Thank you so much.
Also feel free to leave comments. Honestly I take the lack of as a compliment that hopefully you guys are liking my story enough that nothing is pulling you out of it to make a comment.
Have a good day!!!

Date Posted: August 11th

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Date Posted: August 11th

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