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CHAPTER 28 (1/2)

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CHAPTER 28 (1/2)

"All right everyone. Now that we're all together, which might I add-" Marlene let out a heavy breath, standing in the center of their dorm.

It was just after dinner, and the exacerbated blonde had basically dragged the rest of her dorm mates to their room before a single could go wandering off.

Along with the 'marauders' lack of presence in the past weeks, there had been tension within the girls for the past month.

"-Was very hard. I mean, I've been trying all month and October is almost over, especially you, Alice. And Marry, Lily I thought you guys were constantly around each other."

Alice didn't bother to give an explanation. She looked ready to leave this room at her first chance. Mary sat on her bed, stiff in posture.

"School Work." Lily gave a barely cooked excuse. Sitting on the opposite side of the room in a desk chair, looking guarded with being called out, she had her head low, playing with a spine of her book.

Mary, more dejected, gave a barely noticeable glare at Lily when she gave her lazy front. "... busy."

The Scot looked at the two usually affixed couple weirdly, making eye contact with Ana, who sat at the frame of her bed looking like the only truly present person her.

Marlene silently asked her what was wrong with the twain. Ana shrugged, equally confused.

Marlene would usually be the one to push further for a break in tensity, but she took in another breath, smiling. "Never mind that. I have something to tell you all."

"Before I do, I want to apologize. It's been way too long to have not told you all, but I just wanted to wait till it was official."

"What's official?" Ana asked.

She placed her hands out, looking very proud of herself. "I got myself a hen."

Ana squealed, moving forward to her knees. "Who is she?"

Marlene ignored the question. She was excited to rave about the girl she hadn't been able to talk about before now. "She's amazing and wonderful. So hot too. I mean, I really, really like her. Well, at first I was really annoyed by her but now I really like her,"

It was such a different announcement from when Alice and Frank got together. For months, she talked about her crush. Every moment leading up to their eventual dating was publicised between the friend group.

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