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After Lily's burst of protection to her dear friend and bossy order to her other, the week before, Remus had spent those seven days planning with James on how to catch Anastasia alone in hopes of remedying his past wrongs. And after a tenderly-harsh letter back from his mother Remus had finally on a Thursday afternoon of watching his map noticed Anastasia making her way to the library, alone.

The library was nearly empty, save for a few couples seated at small wooden tables, their heads bent over books and parchment. The sound of pages turning, quills scratching, and the occasional murmur of conversation, is soothing background music.

Remus wanders down the aisles dodging the floating books, running his fingers over the spines of the novels. He took his time in the search for Ana, his slowed down pursuit set in pace in hopes of some sort of further preparation. Tightening his hands on the leather strap of his bag, he saw her.

Sat in the romance section of the library, the soft glow of the warm lightning cast a gentle beam over the wooden floor and onto Ana, and the scent of old books and candle wax filled Remus' nose, putting him in a reverie of watching her.

Ana could feel his eyes on her, only surprise in the raise of her head was that it was, him. "Lupin! What are you doing here?"

Remus broke his trance and forgot his rehearsed start to James planned 'date'. And her jump scare of addressing him, led into his next embarrassing affair.

"Just uhh.. looking at-" His hand reached for the book closest to him.

Within their current section all too familiar to Remus. The shelves are lined with books of every kind, from classic love stories to volumes on the art of romance. The leather-bound tomes seem to hold within them secrets of countless love stories, and their old pages seems to whisper of past romances and happy endings. And out of all of them, Remus picks...

"Safe intimacy charms" The Welsh boy didn't hear what he had read until it had already been spoken.


"Oh! Should I say congratulations?"

Remus cringes, springing forward at her response, walking to stand in front of the old desk.

"No! You shouldn't, I'm not- I mean not that-" He shook his head as if to gather his thoughts.

"I was actually looking for you." Ana perked up at this, sitting forward in her seat tilting her head up to get a better look at him.

"What for?" Her arm slid away the transfiguration homework in front of her.

"I was hoping for help with charms. I heard you're quite good at it." This was true in James' plan of getting the two in a same room together, Peter had mentioned Anastasia helping him with charms last year and how she was quite good at it.

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