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CHAPTER 5 (part one)

"I can't believe we're getting points for drinking tea and trying to see shapes at the bottom." Marlene giggles out looking to her left at Ana.

"I know! Look at this.." Anastasia looked down at the hefty divination textbook. "If you see circles it means you will be receiving an expensive gift." The table of Marlene, Anastasia and Lily erupted in fits of laughter.

August had come and passed and now September was coming to a finish. Their fifth year was passing by faster then imaginable and the stress was high with the daunting OWL's at the end of the school year. Luckily the class of divination seemed to be a calmant with only two assignments being given to them in the two months, one on finding out your aura and now this. Being given tea in class and asked to drink it. The fifth years could see their end of exam test now, probably some project about opening your third eye.

"Lily I think this is an apple which means..... 'Academic fortune you will do well on your exams' pfffft I could have told you that. '' Marlene held Lily's cup trying to decipher the muddled loose leafs. Lily tried to be humble in the smile growing on her face.

After the class had finished drinking their tea. Trelawney asked them to put their glasses upside down, spin them three times, and give a tap on the top allowing some of the leaves to fall onto the plate. Then switch with your partners at your table and try to find symbols in their cups.

"Marlene, I think you've tapped yours too hard, all the tea bits have fallen out." Anastasia put down the empty cup.

Lily scoffed seeing Marlene pout at not being able to see her fortune. "I don't see how looking at tea leaves could show us anything." Unfortunately Lily's attempt at making Marlene feel better was rather loud, she had also failed to notice Trelawney passing by their table that very moment.

"Well Miss Evans lets see if you obtain the skills to perform a reading. Let me guess you have Miss Fox's cup." The young teacher had caught the attention of most of the class. More noticeably the four boys sitting in front of them all craned their bodies around to watch.

Lily's head reeled back, offended at the teacher's words. Of course she could do this make believe act. "Yes, it's Ana's."

"Tell me the symbols you see in Miss Fox's reading. There are quite a few." Trelawney only took a glance at the cup looking as if she already understood everything the glass had to offer.

Lily's flustered expression was unmasked, straightening her back looking down at the cup. " Well, I think that's a flower?" Her statement came out more as a question, rare in the confident girl's usual replies to her professors questions.

"Yes... and what does that intel?" Trelawney continues.

Lily notices the class watching her causing her discomposed state to increase feeling unprepared in what felt like an interrogation. She head shot down to her text book. "Um... Productivity."

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