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part four

Crumbling over the belladonna plant, throwing up his disgust into the soil.


He heard the moniker named and heaved through another gag, spitting into the plant. At the now awfully mocking name. He turned to the portrait. The three boys panting across the room.

The feeling he felt were too high no matter his height, to damaging no matter his bravery. Perspective flawed and betrayal accusingly displaced. It all was found out to fast, un-warningly. Even the most rational of mind couldn't comprehend quick enough.

In the common room during the second period of a Tuesday, the Marauders fell into the shambles that was the first semester of their sixth year.

James the loving boy, crippled in worry over his friends, took a step forward, to the Welsh saint who looked a blink away from driving a punch into his wired glasses.

Remus took the hearten move in insult. He gave James' chest a rough push; the boy stumbling back in distress.

Remus spurred out, nothing like the kindly constructed lean giant he was. "Did you know? Did you know?"

Peter looked ready to cry. Sirius looked close to retching into the same marred planter. James shook his head adamantly. "No! Remus we didn't."

Remus shot back viscously, bobbing his head consentiently. "Oh, really, you expect me to believe that? You've known her your whole fucking life. And you expect me to believe you didn't know when she's suddenly a fucking orphan?"

James pealed away the reality that his parents had sheltered his mind from the event. He rounded back in defense. James' ego fell highest on his loyalty and back having towards his friends.

"I didn't know Remus. Goddric, you really thank I would have known and not told you."

Remus decided he was done with James, a subconscious knowing his anger wouldn't win.

He pointed toward Sirius. "And you."

He hissed, feeling suddenly extremely jealous. "You're all cozy cozy with your Foxy, acting like fucking telepathic twins, finishing each other's sentences and somehow you don't know this life defining part about her."

James cut in, stepping forward again. "Remus, that's not fair. You've known her longer than any of us. That's like us asking how you didn't know-"

Sirius moved around James to get a word in, his grey eyes wide, and hands shaking. "I'm not a legilimen. I didn't know. She never told me! I- I remember hearing a story about Greyback killing a family. I didn't know it was Ana."

He wasn't listening to a word they said.The hissing words fell back into despair, closer to reality. Lowering his head, looking more dejected. "H-how could you to let me-me obsess over her for years knowing she would be- be disgusted with me?"

James' took some of the anger. He didn't want his friends to be fighting and Remus words felt like layers to continue the confront, deaf to anything but his thoughts.
"Shut Up! God Remus. Do you hear yourself? We. didn't. know. This isn't fucking about you. Stop walling in your fucking pity cave. Don't you realize you were both hurt by the same man? Doesn't that-"


"You love her?" Peter asked quietly.

I am going to sucker punch that little rat.

"Of course I love her." he said it in a way like it was the most obvious, easiest thing in the whole world to do, and then again like it was the most annoying thing to happen.

Instead of erupting harsh feelings on the subject of Fox leading to Remus' usual drawback away from her. This hap, lead to his misguided withdraw from the boys. As easy as it would be to neglect the girl, Remus wouldn't allow for another lycanthrope to hurt her, and he surely applied that to himself.

Authors Notes:

So..... how do we feel.
I am actually very excited for the following chapters. I hate this chapter so much mainly cause it took me months to finish, and I associate it with some rough times.

Unfortunately I didn't post because I had kinda a betraying moment happen to me. I have had a this one dream for over a year it's like all I have thought about and my sister who is older and not to be mean doesn't know what to do with her life, decided to do this dream before me, before I can and just take it knowing it's been everything I have worked towards for over a year. And it kinda made me really sad. So yeah 🫠

But next chapters look great

Also I have a new story go to me profile and read it thanks!!

Date Posted: February 1st, 2023

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