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CHAPTER 1 (part 1)

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CHAPTER 1 (part 1)

Chocolate Frogs and The Stereotype Contest

Anastasia Fox stood alone in Kings Cross trying to politely shove past the crowd of families, mothers and fathers giving their kids hugs and sad " I love yous" waiting to see their daughters and sons off to the start of a new school year after the six week holiday.

Ana, in contrast to the majority of students who had whole trolleys full of belongings with them, was only carrying two small olive suitcases in her hand one filled with clothes, and the other heavy with her school books.

Entering the warm train differing from the already cool weather of what seemed to be an early fall making her way through the narrow walkway pushing through students in the same pursuit to find their friend they missed over the summer.

Ana knew exactly where to go, a compartment toward the end of the train that was since her first year reserved for a group of four boys and the occasional fox.

Opening the door to the compartment. Ana was met with the scene of James holding Peter in a headlock mumbling something about 'getting her to go out with me' , Sirius cheering James on and Remus throwing jelly beans he had stolen from Peter at the three with a tattered book laying in his lap.

Sirius was the first to notice her presence. Whistling loudly "Foxy look at you finally living up to that last name huh?" he stated taking in Anastasia's new look.

Ana smirked at this; it was true over the summer she had grown into her shape and lost the baby fat along with a much needed bronze to her usual pale skin. Fox had also discovered muggle fashion and took it upon herself to go to the closest second hand store to look like the average muggle 70s girl.

"Hello Boys" Ana greeted the four taking in their appearances each of them all with new found tans.

James was sporting a new haircut that was well needed after refusing to cut his hair all fourth year to scared to have anyone but his mother do it for him, Sirius looking all too cocky and stupidly handsome in a leather jacket. Peter looked just the same as he had every year since first year. Remus although looked the most different to Ana, his hair had gotten longer and she could tell even with him sitting down the boy had gone through another growth spurt with an addiction to his already impressive height. He also has a new scar still inflamed that looked no more than a week old running across his nose.

" Sirius, James, Peter... Lupin" acknowledging all the boys with nods and a big smile.

Remus was being anything but subtle with his eyes locked in on Ana they had been since he heard Sirius's whistle moments before. Remus had decided over the break he would not allow himself to have any thoughts about the blonde gryffindor trying to lessen his feelings for the girl.  But his stare was obvious the second he saw her all his work was out the door.

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