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Not gonna lie I don't like this part I had better expectations but I feel like I forgot to write for this part. I might end up rewriting it but I just want to finish out this chapter so that I can get to posting the writing I do like.


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CHAPTER 23 (part 4/4)

Remus made the fire quickly with the pestering ringing of Marlene eager to tell her story.

Once the crackling settled, they all sat in a wreath around the charring warmth, bundled in scarfs and thick leather wearing jean shorts and flimsy linens.

Peter was next to James, who was next to Lily who was cuddled into Mary, who was next to Sirius, who was sharing a blanket with Ana, who was next to Remus, who was adding her marshmallows to the stick he had skinned clean.

He was next to the jittery Marlene, who was next to Alice, who was holding onto Frank's arm.

"Braw, everyone settled?" Marlene asked, glaring at the coughing Peter. The smoke kept blowing in his face, no matter how often he ran from it.

"Peter shh."

"I can't help it!"

"Nothing boring Marls I don't want to hear about Bloody Baron." Mary jutted in.

Frank came in as mediater seeing Marlene's offended face, "Lets make it a rule no boring stories we've all heard before."

"Last time I checked, I was the only Scot here." Marlene defended.

She took a deep breath, pulling on a stoic face as if she was about to tell her grueling stories of times at war. "I am going to tell you about Bean Nighe, the washerwomen."


Marlene sat forward in her seat, turning her whole body to Remus and Ana.

The boy was opening the plastic wrapping of the graham crackers as Ana held her burnt marshmallow towards him.

"What are you doing?" Marlene emphasized every word.

Ana looked up innocently. "Making American smores?"

"No! You're interrupting. I need my ominous silence."

"I'm done. I just need to add chocolate."

Marlene looked down at the graham crackers in Remus' hand about smash Ana's charred candy. "No chewing. It'll be too loud. You can have it after."

Ana leaned over the broad boy to flick Marlene's forehead and make Remus' ears go pink. Nevertheless, patient fell back into her seat eating the marshmallow whole.

Swallowing her manners in trying to muffle the whines of her now burnt tongue.

Marlene continued on after a cast of Lumos holding the 'flashlight' below her face to make the whole ordeal more cheesy. "The Bean Nighe, washer women, are old hags much taller than any human with webbed feet... only one nostril, and a large.. snagged tooth."

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