Chapter 2

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Chapter 002

    Liang Wanqiu quietly listened to Sister Zhang finish speaking, but she still remained silent.

    Sister Zhang's voice became sharper: "Liang Wanqiu, are you listening to me? I won't harm you. This circle is the most flattering and depressing. You want to climb up, do you understand? People in the entertainment circle Little muddy has no dignity, not even a dog, if you want to live comfortably in the future, you must at least be a second-tier."

    Liang Wanqiu rubbed her brows, she was a little helpless: "Sister Zhang, I'm listening, I will take care of this matter, thank you for taking care of me all these years, I plan to quit the entertainment industry."     Sister Zhang was surprised for a few seconds, and then she cursed: "You have no ambition at all? You are only beautiful You're a waste of body but don't know how to use it, your brain is full of water!"     She hung up the phone aggressively, if she hadn't accompanied a female artist who became popular last year to record a variety show in other places, she would have gone to Liang Wanqiu The family beat her to death.     Liang Wanqiu threw the phone on the bed and continued to lie down. She didn't want to move. After lying down for almost an hour, she still didn't feel sleepy at all. She took the phone over to read the call history.     Her parents called her more than a dozen times, and the product company she endorsed also called her a few times.     Liang Wanqiu clicked on WeChat, she didn't have many friends on WeChat, and most of her college classmates were better than her in the entertainment industry, so she naturally looked down on her.     They deleted her wechat a long time ago. She added two girls to her junior high school classmate and high school classmate. As for the class group, she blocked it after adding it, and never read the messages in it.     Most of the people I met after filming were colleagues for a few months, so I didn’t have any feelings for them, and I lost contact after the filming ended. Even if they all have WeChat, this circle is the most able to see the direction of the wind, knowing that she can’t be popular without money. Who will care about her.     Her parents sent her a lot of messages, telling her to go back to her hometown, stop filming, and make money to support her.     Liang Wanqiu thought in her heart, these parents are really kind.     The original owner has such good parents, how could he be willing to die, alas, at least think about his parents before he dies.

    Liang Wanqiu replied to the messages from two good friends from high school, telling them that she was fine and told them not to worry, she would take care of it.

    Then, she replied to her parents' message. She originally wanted to call them, but after thinking about it, she was not ready to face them calmly as her biological parents.

    She edited word by word: Mom and Dad, I'm fine, those black materials are all fake, I didn't do anything bad, your daughter won't shame you, won't make you look down, take care of yourself, I will go back to my hometown to see you in a few days.

    After sending this passage, Liang Wanqiu looked at the money in her WeChat wallet, and she transferred 50,000 yuan to Liang's mother.

    Type: "Mom, you and Dad don't save money, I have money."

    In memory, the original owner was very generous to his parents. After earning money, he bought a small villa for his parents in the small city of his hometown. The parents used more than 100,000 yuan for living expenses, but the parents were used to saving, and they didn't waste the money given by the original owner, but saved it.

    Tens of seconds later, Liang Wanqiu saw her mother received the money and sent a message.

    "Xiaoqiu, Mom has already saved more than two million yuan. The entertainment industry is not easy to stay in. Let's go home. Your dad and I can still work. Let's save money as a family. You."

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