Chapter 74

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Chapter 074

    Liang Wanqiu snickered while holding her phone, she was so lucky, she must have saved the Milky Way in her previous life.

    Academician Su replied to Liang Wanqiu's news. Faced with this academician who could only be seen on the news before, Liang Wanqiu was surprised and nervous. After chatting for a few words, she found that academician Su was by her side despite all the honors. Affable, approachable old lady.

    Academician Su said that he was going to take a nap and would chat again when he had time.

    Liang Wanqiu hurriedly typed: "Okay, Academician Su, good afternoon."

    After saving Academician Su's mobile phone number, Liang Wanqiu picked up the chopsticks again and continued to eat the boxed lunch.

    Xie Ning had already eaten the box lunch, and talking to Liang Wanqiu next to her, her words were full of envy.

    "Ah, how about Academician Su? I heard that the more people they are, the more approachable they are, and they don't have any airs."

    Liang Wanqiu nodded: "Yes, when they are in their position, they are more open-minded."

    Xie Ning smiled Smiled: "Eat slowly, and I'll check my phone again."

    Liang Wanqiu lowered his head to pick up the rice, drank a few more sips of water, and saw colleagues staring at her, she sat upright without squinting, her heart was still Excited, but it didn't show on the face.

    Xie Ning was scrolling Weibo, Xu Academician Su followed Liang Wanqiu's Weibo and Chaohua, and even checked in and commented on her Chaohua, but Liang Wanqiu only followed Academician Su, some people were deliberately dissatisfied and began to get emotional Instigated, provoked.

    [Liang Wanqiu is not popular but likes to throw big names. Who is she, and I don't know which old man she is with. She ignores Academician Su. 】

    【Wait for Liang Wanqiu's financial backer to go bankrupt, and then she will become a street mouse, and everyone will shout and beat her. 】

    【Forty minutes have passed, and Liang Wanqiu still hasn't posted on Weibo to interact with Academician Su, hehe, I will scold you every time I see you. ]

    [An actor, what are you pretending to do here? An actor is wronging the country. 】

    【Liang Wanqiu couldn't be killed by a car, right? 】

    【Liang Wanqiu is dead. ]


    Xie Ning was furious when she saw this.

    She knew that the people who made these comments were either black fans or trolls, and they were deliberately rhythmic.

    Everyone in this group scolds and spreads rumors. Some of them are paid to do this on purpose, and some are pure keyboard warriors.

    She turned her head to look at Liang Wanqiu who was still buried in her meal, moved over, and tapped on Liang Wanqiu's shoulder.

    Liang Wanqiu turned her head, the food was still stuffed in her mouth, she couldn't speak very well, her eyes were puzzled, she blinked at Xie Ning, and swallowed the food.

    I was so anxious that I choked and took a few more sips of water.

    "What's wrong?" Liang Wanqiu was still holding the bottle of water in his hand.

    Xie Ning didn't show her the comments on the Internet. She knew that Liang Wanqiu had joined Academician Su on WeChat, and the two of them would definitely chat a lot on WeChat in the future.

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