Chapter 102

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Chapter 102

    After Luo Qingli chatted with Liang Wanqiu for a while, she put down her phone and walked to the French window.

    Seeing the coastline not far away, the sky is blue, and it is another sunny day.

    The wind is also very strong.

    The community she lives in is close to the sea, and the owner bought the house here for vacation, so it is impossible to live here for a long time, the humidity is too heavy, which is not good for the health.

    Luo Qingli has lived here for more than three months. Occasionally, she and Xiaobei Xiaomei went shopping nearby and found that the occupancy rate of the community is less than 10%.

    The community is large, with many floors, low occupancy rate, sparsely populated, like a ghost town.

    Luo Qingli likes it very much, she likes to be quiet.

    Luo Qingli thought of what Liang Wanqiu said just now, so she and Xiaotao were in a relationship, they were a couple.

    Even though Liang Wanqiu couldn't be seen, Luo Qingli could imagine Liang Wanqiu's eyes and expression when he talked about Bo Yanyan, with a smile on his mouth, soft eyes, and a little pride and showing off.

    If you like someone, it may be that when you mention her to others, you will unconsciously smirk. When you think of her, your heart will be very sweet.

    Luo Qingli suddenly wanted to fall in love.

    There is a person who likes her very much, and she likes him very much, and she wants to fall in love.

    She stood by the window for a long time, the golden sun shone on her, warming her body, making her whole body warm.

    She licked her lower lip, yes, falling in love.

    After returning to the imperial capital in a few days, she told her family that she did not object to them introducing someone to her.

    She wants to go on a blind date and find someone to fall in love with!

    Luo Qingli sat down on the fluffy carpet, took the rabbit doll next to her and hugged it, she touched the phone again, downloaded a melon-eating website, registered an account, and searched for Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan.

    A bunch of posts came out.

    Luo Qingli lowered her head, her gaze resting on a hot post.

    [Is anyone knocking on the CP of sister and sister? Can I tell you how the two met? How did you fall in love? 】

    Luo Qingli asked Liang Wanqiu how she and Bo Yanyan met.

    But she still clicked into this post.

    This follow-up post is in the afternoon.

    When Xiaomei came in to ask Luo Qingli to have dinner, she saw that Luo Qingli was wearing a set of light yellow autumn pajamas, barefoot, her white and tender feet stepped on the brown-red floor, her long hair was messy, and she was holding a doll in one hand , watching with a mobile phone in one hand.

    She looked so seriously that she didn't even see Xiaomei standing at the door.

    Xiaomei's expression was blank. Is that woman whose aunt is smiling and looking at her phone a big star?

    At this time, Luo Qingli did not have the delicacy and aloofness in front of outsiders, she was more like an ordinary girl at home.

    Xiaomei knocked on the door.

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