Chapter 25

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Chapter 025

    Liang Wanqiu was still trembling. It was the first time she acted as a heroine, and she was still the main heroine. According to Lin Su, this is the most important drama of Ji's Films in recent years. The script is carefully polished. The team, and even the convincing Dao, Ji's side put a lot of thought into it.

    The others and the team were fine, but Liang Wanqiu felt guilty when she came to play the heroine.

    She is not a person with a very good attitude, but Liang Wanqiu can adjust her mood by herself, and she can enjoy herself even in a difficult environment.

    So when she planned to stay in this circle forever, Liang Wanqiu told herself to calm down, even if she played a small supporting role for the rest of her life, don't complain about why she wasn't popular?

    The small supporting roles are not paid well, and they have been acting all the time, and the salary adds up to a considerable amount.

    There are so many people in the circle, and many of them can only be extras for the rest of their lives. She is still a little famous, she has filmed movies and made money, and her small life is prosperous and happy.

    Liang Wanqiu has long since laid flat, and has been a fool in the circle for the rest of her life.

    Suddenly, a huge pie fell from the sky and hit her on the head.

    She was under a lot of pressure and was afraid of acting badly.

    Liang Wanqiu thought for a while: "Mr. Ji, I mean, if this drama fails, will you ask me to pay?"

    Ji Chang smiled over there: "Now you can record the evidence, and this drama is considered It’s really pounced, and it has nothing to do with you, and why did you pounce? Look at the script, you are the most suitable female artist who can be named in the circle.”

    Liang Wanqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s good, That's good."

    Ji Chang deliberately teased her: "Do you think the salary is too low? I'll give you another 40 million."

    This sentence scared Liang Wanqiu to wave his hands in a hurry: "Enough, no need."

    Hang up After the phone call, Liang Wanqiu returned the phone to Sister Zhang, and she sat next to Lin Su, looking at this and that.

    "I always feel like I'm dreaming." Liang Wanqiu pinched her slender arm hard, causing her to grit her teeth in pain.

    Lin Su casually flipped through the script, and she put the script on Liang Wanqiu's lap: "The script is good, and it's not impossible for a drama to become a hit."

    How many artists are not popular in the circle, but in fact, they are only short of a hit drama Well, Lin Su's resources are neither good nor bad, she is only short of a hit drama, and can change from second-tier to first-tier, but there are too few good scripts.

    There is really a good script, a bunch of first-tier florets and second-tier florets are fighting for it, who can get her turn.

    After talking with Sister Zhang for more than half an hour, Liang Wanqiu returned to her bedroom with the contract and the script. It was getting late, so she didn't choose to read the script, but put the things in her suitcase.

    Bo Yanyan was still writing the test paper, Liang Wanqiu checked the time, it was eleven o'clock.

    It seems that children start to study from elementary school, and high school is even more outrageous. Liang Wanqiu has heard people say that some high school students go to bed at twelve o'clock and wake up after five o'clock to study.

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