Chapter 5

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Chapter 005

    Liang Wanqiu's fans also came, occupying two hot comments.

    [My elder sister has been beautiful since she was a child. If she has a backstage, as for her five-year debut, she hasn't even acted as a second female lead. Are she always playing soy sauce in major film crews? Heizi has no heart, and there is no need to be black for black's sake. ]

    [I knew that the female goose was innocent. She didn't even want to hype her up, so how could she sell her body? The female goose is the best. 】

    Fans dare not speak too much, for fear of saying too much and arousing the disgust of passers-by. As for cursing? They are even more afraid.

    In the past few days, when they met Liang Wanqiu who scolded Liang Wanqiu, as long as they refuted a word, they would be chased and scolded hundreds of thousands of times, and they would be beaten up, saying that they were stupid fans, saying that they chased and scolded netizens.

    However, the fans clarified, and the netizens didn't watch it at all.

    Liang Wanqiu's fans finally breathed a sigh of relief, why didn't they think of calling the police directly?

    Liang Wanqiu ate a mouthful of noodles and a mouthful of soup, and looked at the comment section, there were more than 100,000 comments.

    She didn't bother to read any more, but looked at her own Weibo. Her last Weibo was posted half a month ago. Her two beautiful pictures had more than one million comments. Liang Wanqiu looked at the comments and didn't feel like reading , They all scolded her.

    Some people scolded her in the comment area, and even scolded her in private messages, sending her some pornographic, violent and scary pictures.

    Especially those pictures of bloody severed hands and splattered brains. After reading more than a dozen private messages, she found that she had received dozens of such pictures.

    Some people said that they would send her a coffin and a wreath, telling her to die, and there were many rumors that her family would die.


    Looking at those pictures and news, Liang Wanqiu lost the mood to eat noodles. She even quit Weibo, ate the bucket of noodles in a few mouthfuls, and finished the noodle soup.

    Liang Wanqiu packed the garbage in a bag and went downstairs to throw out the garbage.

    After returning home, she sat on the sofa and watched TV with a soft pillow in her arms.

    Sister Zhang sent her a message on WeChat.

    Simple four words.

    "Good job."

    Liang Wanqiu smiled back to Sister Zhang and continued watching TV.

    Perhaps her incident caused too much of a stir, and now it has been clarified, and it is also the number one most searched on various websites. As for Liang Wanqiu's relatives, friends and classmates, they already knew about it.

    Mother Liang called, and she was crying and laughing at the other end: "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, your aunts, aunts, uncles, etc. have been asking me these days, thinking you did something bad, mom Just scold them with your father."

    Liang Wanqiu was moved in her heart: "Mom, I will take care of it, don't worry."

    Liang's mother nodded: "Xiaoqiu, when are you going home? Parents will cook something delicious for you. "

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