Chapter 9

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Chapter 009

    Luo Qingli quickly stood up, holding the fishing rod in both hands, and hurriedly threw it behind her, only to see a small crucian carp that looked two fingers wide dangling.

    Luo Qingli shouted excitedly: "I've caught a fish, I've caught a fish."

    The cameraman and director's sister next to her praised her: "Ms. Luo is really amazing."

    Liang Wanqiu gave her a thumbs up: "It's awesome. "

    Luo Qingli blushed, feeling a little embarrassed, and ran to find the little crucian carp she had caught. With the help of the choreographer sister, she took the crucian carp down, held it tightly with both hands, and looked at it several times. Reluctantly put it in a plastic bucket.

    The earthworms on the fishhook disappeared. I don’t know if they were eaten by the fish or fell into the water or on the grass.

    Luo Qingli came to look for Liang Wanqiu with a fishing rod, but she didn't say a word, she just showed Liang Wanqiu the fishhook, blinking her beautiful eyes, acting like a baby.

    Liang Wanqiu smiled, grabbed an earthworm from the bottle and threaded it for her.

    Luo Qingli had experience, after throwing the hook into the water, she sat next to Liang Wanqiu with a fishing rod in one hand, and she moved towards Liang Wanqiu, getting closer to her.

    The two of them fished for more than an hour. Liang Wanqiu finally caught a grass carp that weighed two to three catties. As for crucian carp, they caught more than a dozen of them, but only the one that Luo Qingli caught for the first time remained. They were all released by Liang Wanqiu.

    The ingredients were finally found, and the group returned to the happy hut.     On the way, Liang Wanqiu

    quietly asked the editor-director sister: "What time is it?     " Back home, Luo Qingli was afraid of the rice field eels in the bucket, but Liang Wanqiu asked her to, she still mustered up the courage, and lifted the bucket with a face full of death.     She glanced at Liang Wanqiu, took two steps, looked at Liang Wanqiu again, and took two steps.

    Liang Wanqiu went to the villager's house with a hoe and a fishing rod. After returning the things, they saw that the villagers were eating. The family was very enthusiastic and asked her to eat.

    Liang Wanqiu really wanted to agree, especially when she smelled the aroma of the food, her stomach groaned several times.

    But the rules of the program group are here, so they can only refuse. Seeing that the villagers have a dish of white tofu, Liang Wanqiu asks if they have any more? She wants a small piece.

    The villagers gave Liang Wanqiu a small piece of white tofu, and Liang Wanqiu took three photos with the villagers' family.

    Liang Wanqiu walked towards the happy hut, and saw Luo Qingli squatting on the road from a distance, the red plastic bucket was placed next to her, and she waved vigorously at Liang Wanqiu.

    Liang Wanqiu quickened her pace and walked up to Luo Qingli. She asked, "Why don't you go back first     ?


What is the task, but I can guess, it should be work.

    She nodded and lifted the bucket: "Let's go."

    Luo Qingli followed, she was a little embarrassed: "I don't pay much attention to the affairs in the industry, so I don't know you. What kind of dramas have you acted in? I'll see later Liang Wanqiu has acted in many plays in

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