Chapter 117

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Chapter 117

    Lin Su went to the French windows, she opened the curtains and opened a window a few centimeters wide.

    The cold wind suddenly poured in, and Lin Su was wearing a thin tights, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on the exposed skin.

    As if she hadn't noticed, she opened the window a little more, just enough to stick her head out.

    She bent down and leaned forward a little, looking at the flashing neon lights outside, the night scene was beautiful.

    In just a few minutes, Lin Su closed the window.

    There is still filming tomorrow, she dare not blow the cold wind for too long, for fear of catching a cold.

    Luo Qingli finished her weight-loss exercise, her face was rosy, and there was a thin layer of sweat on her face and body. It was really refreshing to sweat during exercise.

    Luo Qingli took a clean towel and wiped the sweat off her face, and then wiped her sweat-soaked forehead hair.

    She looked at Lin Su: "I'm going to take a shower, what about you? What are you doing at night?"

    Lin Su replied, "Flip through the script and go to sleep."

    "Then I'll go take a shower." Luo Qingli finished speaking and went to the bathroom.

    There are three bathrooms in total, one for each bedroom.

    Seeing Luo Qingli go to the bathroom, Lin Su thought about it, took a nightgown and went to take a shower too.

    After coming out, she dried her hair and sat on the bed in a long nightdress to read the script.

    Not long after, Luo Qingli came in.

    She also dried her hair, and her pajamas were short-sleeved, reaching to her knees, revealing her slender and white calves.

    Luo Qingli sat down on the edge of the bed, she looked at Lin Su, who was seriously reading the script.

    Luo Qingli took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed, and crawled over Lin Su's lap. Then, she sat next to Lin Su's shoulder. She didn't talk to Lin Su, but took out her phone , I'm checking today's hot searches.

    Today is Valentine's Day.

    Before they came to Film and Television City, both of them remembered it.

    As a result, because the crew started the film today, they forgot about this day.

    It's too late to say it now.

    At this point, you may not be able to buy flowers.

    After taking a shower and hair, the scent of shampoo and shower gel has not dissipated, Lin Su felt that the women around her were particularly fragrant, and Luo Qingli also thought so.

    Lin Su didn't care to read the script, her eyes stared straight at the black characters, but she couldn't read a single word, let alone figure out the inner thoughts of the characters.

    She thought about the past half a month, since she confirmed that they were in a relationship that day, it was no different from before.

    When she was in the country, it was at the house of her grandparents. She and Luo Qingli slept separately, and when they went out to play occasionally, they just held hands and didn't dare to hug in front of the old man.

    Later, when they returned to the imperial capital, she was about to join the group, and Luo Qingli had to take online classes again, so they spent very little time together.

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