Chapter 31

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Chapter 031

    Liang Wanqiu's two scenes had just finished filming, and she was sitting next to Lin Su during the break.

    Lin Su handed her a bottle of water, and she said, "You and your sister went to decoction at noon and were photographed, and now it's on trending searches."

    Liang Wanqiu was so thirsty that his throat was about to smoke. After saying this, she didn't want to drink water, put down the bottle of water, and took out her mobile phone from her bag.

    On Weibo, this hot search ranked third.

    Liang Wanqiu frowned, the heat is so high?

    She clicked in and looked at the hot reviews, all of which were full of praise. Some comments were scolded by her fans, and some passers-by would help them.

    Liang Wanqiu casually flipped through the comments, she never expected to be secretly photographed, and it was in high definition, Xiao Tao's face could be seen clearly, she is an entertainer, she doesn't care about being photographed, but Xiao Tao is an amateur, and she is still an underage girl .

    She will be in her third year of high school soon, will her classmates see her, and will it affect her studies?

    Liang Wanqiu looked at the reposted media, feeling very helpless.

    She held her mobile phone and walked towards the abandoned palace next to her. Seeing that there was no one in sight, Liang Wanqiu called Sister Zhang.

    "Sister, I want to withdraw a hot search."

    It is very common for people in the industry to buy hot searches. little Prince.

    As for removing trending searches, it is usually their own black trending searches that are withdrawn. When the artist team finds that their artist's black material is on the trending searches, they will contact Weibo to remove it.

    Liang Wanqiu discussed with some people in the circle that buying trending searches and withdrawing trending searches are both very expensive. The price of each position is different, and withdrawing trending searches is even more expensive. More than ten thousand, as for the withdrawal, it is estimated to be tens of millions.

    But for the sake of popularity, artists still continue to buy trending searches. For an artist, buying trending searches is expensive, but at the same time it will bring exposure and popularity. With popularity, crews, variety shows, and endorsements will also be found.

    In general, both sides will make money.

    Sister Zhang was surprised: "You want to remove the trending search? Wait a minute, let me check Weibo first."

    Sister Zhang thought that her artist's black material was on the trending search, and she rarely cared about Liang Wanqiu. With Sister Zhang, her subordinates There is nothing wrong with the female artists, she is very strict with them, regardless of Liang Wanqiu because Liang Wanqiu doesn't need her to worry about.

    Sister Zhang saw the third most popular search, and the comments were all positive. Liang Wanqiu also relied on her sister to attract a wave of passers-by.

    The longer this hot search hangs up, the better.

    Sister Zhang was puzzled and said: "This is posted by your fans and passers-by. You are stupid. The comments are all praising you and your sister. There is a beautiful schoolboy sister who attracts so many fans. The staff of the crew even commented Are you out of your mind?"

    Liang Wanqiu sighed: "Sister, Xiao Tao is underage, she is a senior in high school, I don't want her to be famous, and I don't want her classmates to know about this What if it affects her studies? The college entrance examination is too important to a person, and we are all people who have gone through the college entrance examination."

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