Chapter 57

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Chapter 057

    Lin Su raised her eyebrows, she looked at Sister Zhang: "Occasionally chatting, Liang Wanqiu is a career mind, she doesn't know how to fall in love, don't think too much, I will ask her when we meet tomorrow."

    Sister Zhang nodded and said: "Female artist Falling in love is only bad for career, not good, if Liang Wanqiu really has a situation, you can persuade her."

    Lin Su said seriously: "Yes, I will."

    She was curious in her heart, if Liang Wanqiu really has someone she likes, Who is the one?

    In the morning, Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan ate breakfast outside, and the two returned home after eating and drinking enough.

    There is an event with Lin Su today, which was given by Sister Zhang to the two of them a week ago.

    The purpose is to increase the popularity of the drama, and by the way interact with the audience, it has already posted a Weibo promotion, and the fans have already known about it.

    Liang Wanqiu doesn't have a makeup artist or a team.

    When she was sitting in front of the vanity mirror and putting on makeup, Bo Yanyan stood aside and looked at her. Liang Wanqiu put on light makeup and picked out a lipstick. When she put on makeup on her lips, she asked, "What about you? Do you want to learn to make up?

    Bo Yanyan shook her head: "No." The people in the research

    institute don't really care about this. When she really needs makeup, there will be a special team to do it for her.

    "Sister, would you consider hiring an assistant?" Bo Yanyan sat beside her and asked, "If I'm not around, she can take care of you."

    Liang Wanqiu had no idea of ​​finding an assistant at all. She and Bo Yanyan are so ambiguous now, Bo Yanyan doesn't want others to know.

    I don't know how to face the bloody storm on the Internet, her good luck will not always exist.

    "No need," Liang Wanqiu was silent for a few seconds: "I can do my own work."

    "What about you? What time do you meet your classmates? Do you want me to take you there?"

    Bo Yanyan smiled and said, "I will take a taxi by myself." In the past, my sister's live broadcast started at ten o'clock, so I would secretly find time to watch the live broadcast."

    The corner of Liang Wanqiu's mouth turned up, and he shook his head helplessly.

    After putting on her makeup, Liang Wanqiu checked the time, it was almost nine o'clock.

    It's about half an hour's drive, and when she arrives, she has to prepare. It is estimated that those reporters will interview her today, and she has to interact with the host, so she has to go there early.

    Bo Yanyan hugged her and sent Liang Wanqiu out.

    Before entering the elevator, Liang Wanqiu waved his hand: "Then I'm leaving, if you have something to do, send me a message, call me before you go home at night, and I'll pick you up."

    Bo Yanyan smiled and nodded: "Okay."

    Driving When we arrived at the event location, we saw more than a dozen reporters waiting outside.

    Liang Wanqiu's female supporting role, Lin Sucai is the leading actress, and it's not easy to steal Lin Su's limelight. Therefore, Liang Wanqiu wore a light blue long dress today, which was pure and elegant. When she stepped on high heels and got out of the car, a group of reporters surrounded her come over.

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