Chapter 101

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Chapter 101

    The next day, Bo Yanyan returned home.

    Sister Niu helped her move the suitcase into the house, Xia Yan took out the big tiger in a cardboard box from the car, put the things in the study on the second floor, and they left.

    Liang's mother and Liang's father were at work today, and Liang Wanqiu and grandma were digging with a small hoe in the vegetable field west of the villa, planning to plant some beans, tomatoes and eggplants after digging.

    Bo Yanyan came home, Liang Wanqiu took her grandmother to wash her hands, and the two went upstairs.

    Grandma said a few words to Bo Yanyan and went downstairs to watch TV.

    Only Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan were left in the study.

    Bo Yanyan was unpacking the cardboard box, revealing the majestic and lifelike big tiger.

    Knowing that it was fake, Liang Wanqiu still felt the arrogance rushing towards her face, it was too realistic.

    "Is it really a robot?" Liang Wanqiu stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it but dared not.

    Bo Yanyan took her hand and pressed it on the tiger's head: "Touch it casually, this is the switch."

    She pointed to the conspicuous red on the tiger's head. When the red color turns green, it means that it has started to work.

    "Let's use it for a few days first, and if it doesn't work, we can improve it in time."

    "Will it bite?" Liang Wanqiu didn't dare to press the switch, but touched the tiger's head and then its tail. Take a look there, the more you look at it, the more you like it.

    Bo Yanyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she pressed the switch, and the red button turned green.

    She said: "Go and get me a glass of water." The

    big tiger stepped out and walked out.

    When she was about to walk to the door, Liang Wanqiu thought that her grandmother watching TV would scare her, so she anxiously shouted: "Grandma is below."

    Bo Yanyan said softly: "Come back." The

    big tiger turned around and walked away. He came back and stood in front of the two of them.

    Liang Wanqiu stared at the tiger's eyes, and found that it was still blinking.

    Bo Yanyan gave her the manual.

    Liang Wanqiu spent half an hour reading the manual.

    Bo Yanyan smiled: "I'll take grandma out for a while later. You can broadcast a live broadcast at home and show it to the netizens. First, ask the netizens for their suggestions so that we can improve in time."

    Liang Wanqiu pinched the manual , out of extreme curiosity about this big tiger robot, she nodded.

    Bo Yanyan went downstairs, drank a glass of water, and said she wanted to go for a walk nearby. She took her grandma's arm and acted like a baby, asking her to accompany her.

    The old man had no choice, so Bo Yanyan gave her the crutches and helped her grandma out.

    After they left, Liang Wanqiu started a live broadcast on her mobile phone.

    She broadcasted live suddenly, and many fans didn't react. After entering the live broadcast room, they all had question marks on their faces.

    Liang Wanqiu pointed the camera at the big tiger standing there, and said with a smile: "My sister is home today, and I will show you the new robot. If you have anything to say, you can send a barrage, and my sister's colleagues will broadcast it live." Pay attention at any time."

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