Chapter 15

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Chapter 015

    Liang Wanqiu threw the phone on the sofa in the living room, she went to the bedroom, went to bed, and fell asleep.

    At nine o'clock, Liang Wanqiu woke up, cooked some dumplings for herself, and took a can of yogurt. During breakfast, Liang Wanqiu picked up her mobile phone and checked. There were many messages on WeChat, and her relatives all sent her Many voices.

    Liang Wanqiu clicked on Auntie's voice, and asked her why she was so lazy, so stupid, and didn't know how to pretend to do some work on the show.

    Liang Wanqiu listened to the voices of her sister-in-law and a few aunts, and they all meant the same thing, they all told her to work harder in front of outsiders and learn to be a human being.

    Liang Wanqiu didn't bother to click on the voices of other relatives, and she didn't want to reply to them.

    Finally, Liang Wanqiu read the messages sent to her by Liang's mother and Liang's father, and replied a few messages to her parents.

    She quit WeChat and logged on to Weibo. The popularity last night has not passed, and there are no other celebrities in the circle who have made any big news. The hot searches of other celebrities are basically getting fat, losing weight, eating meat, drinking milk tea, Laughed, cried like this.

    Compared with the hot searches of the "Xanadu" program group, such hot searches are too unattractive.

    The fans were tearing up the Internet non-stop, and the grumpy ones were already swearing, and the melon passers-by watched the excitement without thinking it was a big deal, and fanned the flames from the sidelines.

    Seven of the top ten hot searches were related to several guests, Liang Wanqiu alone occupied three, Luo Qingli made one hot search, and the remaining three hot searches.

    #心感成宇南哥哥#     #心感秦冰老师

    # #心感祝色英师#     Liang Wanqiu clicked into these three hot searches and looked at them. It was posted by their fans and some passers-by who liked them. I feel sorry for them for doing so much. It's a lot of work, but the program team didn't give the camera. Fans of several celebrities made a fuss under the program team's official blog, asking the program team to release the footage of the star working.     [The program team should be an individual, what about the scenes of my brother fishing and digging eels? Why does Luo Qingli have so many shots, she has to put every dish for ten minutes, she vomits, ugly people make trouble. 】

    [Release the footage of my brother fishing and digging eels, or I will report to your TV station. ]

    [Where is the scene of Teacher Qin Bing and Teacher Zhu Caiying cooking? It's too shameless for the program group to bully the people's artist. ]

    [And the scene of my brother washing the dishes? ]

    [Sisters above, be more careful, my brother didn't just wash the dishes, he also cleaned the stove and mopped the floor. ]

    [Hey, today is also a day for my brother. My brother is really capable, handsome, good-looking, gentle and considerate, he can do housework, and he is so talented. He can sing, dance and film. What else is a brother not? Will it work? I want to marry my brother. ]

    [It doesn't matter if my husband can't have a baby, I will. 】

    【You don't have a husband? Why are you robbing my husband? ]

    [Although my brother has few shots, my brother has a beautiful face. ]

    There is also a passer-by comment in the hot comment that no one has deleted yet.

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