Chapter 108

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Chapter 108

    She stayed at home alone. Although she was accompanied by a cat, the house was big and she still felt deserted.

    There is no one in the family, Luo Qingli feels that there is not much fireworks left.

    Lin Su didn't know what time it was filmed today.

    She read Luo Qingli's words several times, and kept rubbing her thumbs on the screen.

    Lin Su imagined the scene of returning home tonight, when she opened the door, the living room was lit with bright lights, specially for her.

    When Luo Qingli heard the movement, she would turn her head to look over.

    Lin Su licked her lips, her heart felt a little hot.

    Lin Su: "I'm not sure yet. When it's confirmed, I'll tell you."

    After arriving at the set, Lin Su went to the dressing room to put on makeup, asked Xiao Yu to find the director, and asked what time did the filming end tonight?

    The weather has been cold recently, and there was a heavy snowfall a few days ago. Therefore, the production crew ended work quite early, at about 7 o'clock in the evening.

    Xiaoyu told Lin Su what the director said.

    Lin Su nodded, the crew was a little far away from home, and she could get home after eight o'clock.

    Luo Qingli saw Lin Su's last message.

    She sent her a picture of her doing makeup.

    The photo should have been taken from the side by someone else, Lin Su's profile is very delicate, especially the nose is perfect.

    Luo Qingli took a few glances and clicked to save the picture.

    I just think this photo of Lin Su is pretty good-looking. She has that kind of beautiful appearance, but she has a very light temperament, so she feels cold and gorgeous, and she is not very approachable.

    But Luo Qingli felt that under Lin Su's indifferent appearance, there was a warm heart.

    She had nothing to do, so she went to the study to find a book to read.

    Luo Qingli found that Lin Su's family had many kinds of books, including various classics, books related to computers, and books related to psychology. She also had many online books at home.

    Luo Qingli took an online article, this book is a big IP, very popular, it has already been filmed.

    Luo Qingli hadn't read novels, but she had watched TV dramas.

    She turned a few pages.

    Luo Shuya called.

    "I heard you're at Lin Su's house." She called Liang Wanqiu, and Liang Wanqiu said that Luo Qingli and Lin Su had left.

    Luo Qingli was still flipping through the book, and replied: "Well, I live at her house."

    Luo Shuya sighed: "Is Liang Wanqiu's place not good? You get along well with her, and when Bo Yanyan comes back, you and Bo Yanyan will have sex together." Friends, even if Bo Yanyan puts pressure on you, your parents would not dare to block you in the circle."

    Behind Bo Yanyan is the country.

    No matter how tyrannical and powerful capital is, it cannot confront the country.

    Luo Qingli was silent for a few seconds: "Auntie, I have been filming for more than 20 years, and I am very tired. I want to have fun for a while, go to school in the future, and become a teacher at the Film Academy in the future."

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