Chapter 48

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Chapter 048

    Messages from family and friends still had to be answered. Liang Wanqiu first replied to Liang's mother: "It's all fake. If there is someone I really like, I will tell you. The entertainment industry is true or false. Mom, I didn't say it myself. You Don't believe it."

    Liang's mother sighed when she thought of the gossip she had seen about her daughter before, but she actually felt that her daughter is not young, and if there is a suitable person, not to mention marriage, she can fall in love.

    Liang Wanqiu sent a message to Sister Zhang: "When the contract is completed and the shooting time is confirmed, I will join the group immediately. Don't worry, I will not fall in love."

    Then he sent a message to Chen Sanshui: "It's fake, I just asked the security guard Who is this? It’s been rumored like this, and netizens really like to make up their minds.”

    Chen Sanshui: “The news on the Internet turned out that you are pregnant, and you are going to marry a child, and a bunch of your friends Xia Yan jumped out and said, as if they all live It's the same under your bed."

    Liang Wanqiu was helpless, the three became tigers, and the rumors became more and more exaggerated in the process of spreading.

    Liang Wanqiu, Lin Su, and Luo Qingli had contacted during the Chinese New Year, but she knew they were joking too much and would not take it seriously.

    They are all insiders, and they all know that many news cannot be taken seriously.

    Liang Wanqiu replied to Lin Su's message: "I haven't seen him before, how is it possible? Forget it, just treat it as a way to increase my popularity."

    Lin Su: "Then which one do you like?"

    Liang Wanqiu didn't bother to explain. Now there is no one she likes, and she doesn't have a good relationship with Lin Su. She didn't say anything about Chen Sanshui, who has the best relationship.

    Liang Wanqiu asked Luo Qingli: "Does your aunt know Xia Yan? Do you understand his character?"

    Luo Qingli: "I have worked with their family before, and their family is good, the family style is very upright, and my grandparents are also very good people. Liang Wanqiu: "

    Then do you think it is possible for such a family to raise perverts?"

    Luo Qingli: "Impossible, the so-called appearance is born from the heart, and Xia Yan's face does not look like a person with a wicked heart."

    Liang Wanqiu thought about it, face and eyes may not be able to tell a person's personality, but they can tell a general idea.

    She was actually quite accurate in seeing people, but that night, if Xia Yan wasn't a pervert, then why did he keep looking inside when she and Bo Yanyan were in the clinic.

    Normal men would not do this and would find it offensive to girls.

    Is it really her illegitimate meal, I like her so much?

    Liang Wanqiu couldn't figure it out, and chatted with Luo Qingli: "I didn't mean that to him, it was just rumored by netizens, I just went to ask the security guard who is this person? Who knew that the security guards have big mouths and rich imaginations. "

    Luo Qingli didn't say anything, just told Liang Wanqiu that if she really fell in love, find someone with good character, but at her age, it's best not to talk about it, it will lose fans and affect her career, unless she finds someone that fans like.

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