Chapter 120

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Chapter 120

    Xie Ning still lowered her head, and her tone was so flat that there was no ups and downs: "It's been washed."

    Zhao Shiran took his gaze back from her body: "Go to the next room and wash it."

    After a pause for a few seconds, she added: "Wash it." Keep it clean, there are pajamas in the room."

    Xie Ning scolded her all over in her heart, but still lowered her eyebrows and said pleasingly: "Okay, Mr. Zhao."

    Then, she raised her head, glanced at Zhao Shiran, and looked at the clothes in her hand. thermos bottle.

    "Mr. Zhao, I stewed radish rib soup for you, would you like some?" Xie Ning's tone and expression were not too sincere: "Last time you said you had a stomachache, I remembered it in my heart, if it wasn't for my work Busy, I really want to cook for you every day and take good care of you."

    Zhao Shiran looked suspicious, with such a kind expression on your face.

    But she didn't ask, she raised her hand: "Leave it alone."

    Xie Ning quickly put the thermos on the small round table next to her, and she looked around: "It's still warm, why don't I get you the bowls and chopsticks ?"

    Zhao Shiran is not interested in this radish pork rib soup, she has never tasted any delicacies from mountains and seas.

    Zhao Shiran often feels that she is a particularly boring person. People of her age in this circle always have a few hobbies that burn money. They support male and female stars, like small models, or watch live broadcasts, and spend a lot of money on the anchor.

    Otherwise, it would be blind investment, losing hundreds of millions of family members a year, or playing in a team...

    In short, the second and third generations are incomparable with the previous generation. If you can eat, drink and play without breaking the law, and then keep the family business, the family will be thankful.

    Zhao Shiran didn't have any of these.

    She never participates in risky investments, and has no hobby of burning money.

    Even watching a TV series, she was reluctant to open it as a member of the video site, so she borrowed the assistant's account.

    Zhao Shiran felt that his biggest expense was Zhao Meina's family.

    She also spends a lot of money on herself, but she doesn't even think about spending money on others.

    Zhao Shiran glanced at Xie Ning, as arrogant and disdainful as ever.

    Xie Ning laughed along with her.

    Zhao Shiran finally nodded: "Okay."

    Xie Ning secretly breathed a sigh of relief, went downstairs, went to the kitchen to get a soup bowl, spoon and chopsticks, thought for a while, and poured Zhao Shiran a glass of boiling water.

    Xie Ning went upstairs with the dinner plate, put the things on the black desk, and pushed all the documents above to the side.

    Zhao Shiran looked at her coldly and didn't stop her, which was regarded as acquiescing.

    Xie Ning unscrewed the lid of the thermos bottle, white mist rushed in, and could smell the smell of meat and pepper, and the soup was very hot.

    Xie Ning poured all the contents of the thermos into the soup bowl, and the soup bowl was full immediately.

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