Chapter 11

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Chapter 011

    Liang Wanqiu got up at six o'clock the next morning, and started preparing breakfast at half past six.

    First, boil pumpkin porridge and boil three corns, half a corn for each of them, and one for her.

    One fried egg per person.

    Liang Wanqiu started to fry the dumplings.

    After the breakfast was ready, Liang Wanqiu put down the presents and wrote a bunch of rainbow farts on the cards for everyone, then Liang Wanqiu dragged the suitcase and left, finishing the corn on the way.

    Half an hour after Liang Wanqiu left, the four of Luo Qingli went downstairs, and the editor-director sister whispered, "Teacher Liang made breakfast for you, and also prepared gifts."

    Luo Qingli glanced at the editor-director sister, her lips moved, thinking of this The words said by the people around her in the two nights were finally swallowed.

    She sat down at the dining table and looked at the breakfast on it, a small pot of pumpkin porridge, a plate of fried dumplings, four sections of corn, four fried eggs, and a bottle of yogurt.

    Zhu Caiying walked over with a smile: "Today's breakfast is good, Ah

    Li, go and get the bowls, chopsticks and cups." Luo Qingli nodded and went to the kitchen.

    Cheng Yunan was looking at the cards and gifts Liang Wanqiu had written to them.

    Holding the bag of jelly, he said, "It's a pity that my manager doesn't allow me to eat these." He gave the bag of jelly to the editor-director sister.

    Qin Bing also looked at the thermos cups. He was not short of these. He had received dozens of thermos cups, if not a hundred, and gave them to the staff of the program group.

    Zhu Caiying also gave away the thermos. As for the card, she didn't even look at it, and threw it directly into the trash can.

    Luo Qingli looked at the card that Liang Wanqiu wrote to her, they were all compliments on her, and she read the book again, it was a history book she mentioned that she wanted to read, but she hadn't bought it yet.

    So Liang Wanqiu did her homework before coming here, at least watched her interview.

    Did she get close to her on purpose?

    But she found that she didn't hate Liang Wanqiu, even if Liang Wanqiu had other attempts to get close to her, at least she was sincerely kind to her the day before yesterday.

    Luo Qingli put the card in the book and went upstairs with the book.

    After breakfast, the agent and the assistant came over, the assistant went upstairs to pack the luggage, and the artist and the agent were chatting.

    Qin Bing was the first to leave with his team, and before leaving, he said see you next week.

    Not long after, Zhu Caiying also left with her team.

    Cheng Yunan's team is in charge of his father and two cousins, and there are four male assistants, the assistants have a car, Cheng Yunan and his father's two cousins ​​have a car, and his cousin is driving.

    After the car slowly drove out of Taohua Village, Cheng Yunan's second cousin, Cheng Songbai, turned his head and asked with a smile, "Yunan, have you added Liang Wanqiu's WeChat account?"

    Cheng Yunan's father, Cheng Yang, thought of Liang Wanqiu's face and figure. Showing a wretched smile: "Why don't we find a chance to call her over and say that we have a script in hand to find her."

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