Chapter 53

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Chapter 053

    Liang Wanqiu hugged her: "Go wash your face, your eyes are swollen again."

    Bo Yanyan hummed obediently, and went back to the bathroom. While washing her face, she looked at herself in the mirror with red eyes and nose. Yanyan sighed.

    There was nothing that couldn't be solved by one cry, if it couldn't be solved, then cry twice, she knew that Liang Wanqiu would love her dearly.

    He loves her because he likes her, if he doesn't like her, she cries to death, and Liang Wanqiu doesn't care about her.

    When cold drops of water fell on her face, Bo Yanyan closed her eyes to wash off the tears, and after drying the drops with a face towel, she went outside.

    Liang Wanqiu was sitting on the sofa watching TV, licking an ice cream in her hand, occasionally revealing her pink tongue.

    Bo Yanyan looked at her several times before walking over and sitting down opposite Liang Wanqiu.

    Liang Wanqiu looked at her red and swollen eyes, and originally wanted to celebrate, but it happened every time, and the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

    Liang Wanqiu got up: "I'll get you an ice pack." She asked again: "Do you want ice cream? What flavor do you want?"

    Bo Yanyan said: "Chocolate flavor."

    Liang Wanqiu went to get a chocolate flavored ice cream , took another ice pack for Bo Yanyan, thinking that the weather would be hot and the little girl would not be frozen, so Liang Wanqiu asked her to apply her eyes.

    She continued to watch TV. After eating the ice cream, Liang Wanqiu wanted to eat another one, but after thinking about it, she had no choice but to give up. Although the temperature is high in summer, people are easy to lose weight, but she is an entertainer, so she still has to control her mouth.

    After watching the two episodes of the TV series, Liang Wanqiu picked up her phone and looked at the comments on the Internet. There was a lot of scolding, telling her to die.

    It's just that what they scolded was the vicious female supporting role played by her.

    Liang Wanqiu took these insults as praises for her acting skills, there was no other way, the acting was too good, the more harsh the netizens scolded, the better her acting was.

    While scrolling through Weibo, Liang Wanqiu chatted with Bo Yanyan: "What are you going to do these few months? Do you want to go on a trip with your classmates to relax?"

    Bo Yanyan shook her head: "It's too hot, I don't want to go."

    "Then stay at home with the air conditioner on and eat watermelon, play games and watch TV." Liang Wanqiu said casually.

    The college entrance examination is over, so she can relax. She doesn't want to let Bo Yanyan go to work as a summer job to make money, and she can't make much money. It's better to have fun.

    "I want to get a driver's license." Bo Yanyan said suddenly, "I will go out with my sister in the future. I will drive, and my sister can rest in the car."

    She looked serious, and she was seriously thinking about it.

    Liang Wanqiu was taken aback for a moment, why is she so nice, she is so considerate.

    She smiled and nodded: "Okay, I have to take the test anyway, it's better to take the test early, but I'll drive when I go out, don't worry about your skills."

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