Chapter 35

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Chapter 035

    Liang Wanqiu lit a tube of fireworks, and in an instant, the fireworks shot straight up and spread out in the huge black curtain, colorful and radiant.

    The sound of bang bang exploded in the sky, setting off the fireworks of other people's houses nearby, and the small city was illuminated as bright as day.

    Bo Yanyan yelled excitedly and took out the phone.

    Seeing that she was happy, Liang Wanqiu took out her mobile phone and took a few photos. The pure and charming girl stood under the blooming fireworks, smiling brightly and coquettishly.

    After setting off a few tubes of fireworks, Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan cleaned up the trash, and the two entered the house and closed the door.

    On the table, all the New Year's Eve dinners were served, and the last dish was braised crucian carp.

    Mother Liang asked the two girls to wash their hands. After Bo Yanyan and Liang Wanqiu washed their hands, they sat down at the dining table.

    Liang Wanqiu took a bottle of yogurt and poured it into the cups. After everyone poured a cup of yogurt, Liang's mother smiled and raised the cups: "Happy New Year, New Year's Eve dinner." The

    five cheered.

    After that, there was a tacit understanding to take pictures and send them to Moments.

    Liang Wanqiu also posted a Weibo.

    Actor Liang Wanqiu V: It's the New Year's Eve dinner, is everyone's New Year's Eve dinner rich? [Image] [image].

    One photo is a table of dishes, all prepared by parents today, and the other photo is Bo Yanyan standing under the fireworks smiling, but she didn't want Bo Yanyan to show her face, Liang Wanqiu put a red dot on Bo Yanyan's face love.

    After Weibo was sent out, Liang Wanqiu ignored it, and the whole family sat together to drink and eat.

    In fact, I can't eat much, mainly for chatting. The TV in the living room is playing the Spring Festival Gala, but the family members are not in the mood to watch it, and it is just for fun.

    After eating a meal for a long time, the dishes have only moved a little.

    Grandma said she was sleepy after eating, and went to the bedroom to sleep after a simple wash.

    Liang Wanqiu and Bo Yanyan also went upstairs to take a shower. After going downstairs, Liang's father and Liang's mother had finished washing. They were sitting in the oversized wooden basin where they warmed up. They saw two girls coming over. Liang's mother Waving: "Come and play cards."

    Yangcheng has a custom of keeping watch until three o'clock in the morning. In the past, every new year, only Liang Wanqiu and his parents celebrated the New Year together. The three of them would play cards until three o'clock before going back to their room to sleep.

    Liang Wanqiu walked over with Bo Yanyan, and the two of them were also sitting in the basin. Bo Yanyan had never played poker before, so she didn't know how to play.

    Liang Wanqiu gave her his mobile phone and asked her to play games.

    Then, she and her parents started playing cards.

    It's a big game, five cents and ten yuan, but it's all a family, no matter who loses or who wins, the money is always flowing in the family.

    When Liang Wanqiu was playing cards with his parents, Bo Yanyan had already clicked on the game Liang Wanqiu had downloaded, and Liang Wanqiu had played a game with Luo Qingli a few months ago, so he had no time to play later.

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